TriNetX -
Human Subjects Approvals

If you are planning to submit your TriNetX project to a conference or journal, you will need to provide evidence of Human Subjects Review by an Institutional Review Board. The UCR IRB has granted a Determination of Non-Human Subjects Research (DNHSR) status to Dr. Daniel Novak of the UCR School of Medicine for projects conducted completely on the TriNetX platform. 

As part of the DNHSR agreement, you may submit your TriNetX project for inclusion under this DNHSR. By filling out the form below, your project will be reviewed by the Office of Scholarly Activities. On approval, you will be able to inform conferences or journals that your project has been determined to be non-human subjects research by the UCR Office of Research Integrity.

Fill out the form to request coverage under DNHSR #30442:

Review the text of the DNHSR here

What information do I need to provide?

What happens next?

After your project has been submitted through the form, we will review your project information and send you a brief letter acknowledging that your project has permission to use DNHSR #30442 as evidence of review by the UCR Office of Research Integrity and IRB.