IRB Resources

The IRB Process

Students must fill out a DOA or IRB anytime that they engage in research. For our purposes, "research" refers to any kind of systematic data collection activity that results in generalizable knowledge. In practical terms, this means that any study with more than 3 participants may qualify as research. This includes:

  • Surveys

  • Interviews

  • Data collected from medical records

The documents below are the key pieces of your IRB application because they tell the IRB (among other things): 1) who is involved in the study, 2) what you'll be doing with your participants, 3) where and when you'll be contacting the participants, 4) how those participants will give consent to being involved in the activity, and 5) how you'll protect participants from potential harm.

UCR IRB Application Forms

Are you conducting a study on patients, doctors, students, teachers, or any other kind of human or animal subject? You may need to fill out an IRB!

The forms below will help you get on your way.

Use this form to begin your IRB journey!

As you add a clinical mentor and teammates, use this form to ensure that the IRB is aware of their work on your project.

Use this template to help you draft a letter to define your access to a site or population.

You can't collect data from a subject without informed consent, so use this form to guide your consent process.

Other Important Information for Your IRB

While the above forms are great for getting your IRB ready, you may need to use the information below on occasion.

Need to know whether you are collecting HIPAA protected data? This list of identifiers from the IRB will help you assess your HIPAA risk.

Has something gone wrong on your project, like an injury, stolen data, or other reportable event? Let the IRB know right away!

Determination of Activities Form

Does your project use secondary data, deidentified data, or other kinds of non-human or animal subjects data? You might be elligible to use the Determination of Activities form instead!