Field Trip

I offer 3 field trip options. Students may choose to go to Griffith Observatory, California Science Center, or Mt. Wilson. Students are asked to complete a short write-up or submit a short (3-5 minute) video summarizing their experience. My goal is to provide transportation and accompany students on at least one field trip each semester. This semester, I unfortunately had some difficulty finding an appropriate time in my schedule and reserving a bus, but Julie was kind enough to take some of my students with her class to Griffith Observatory. In Winter 2023, I would like to organize a tour of Mt. Wilson Observatory.

Full Text of Field Trip Assignment

Field Trip Info

As part of this course, I will be offering 3 (and a half) exciting field trip options this semester! Please review the options below.

Three Possible Trips:

Option 1: Griffith ObservatoryLinks to an external site.

Join your prof and classmates for a group excursion to the Griffith Observatory, next to the Hollywood sign! During this trip, we will visit the planetarium, enjoy a wide variety of exhibits, and (if the timing works out) watch the Sun transit at celestial noon. If you choose this field trip option, you will be provided a worksheet during to guide your trip through the observatory. To receive credit for the trip, you will complete a short write-up using the info collected on the worksheet. Important details about this trip are below:

        • Vaccines are required! You will be asked to show your vax card upon entry.

        • Transportation from Mt. SAC is provided on two dates:

          • November 18 from 10am - 4pm with Julie Bray-Ali

          • (Tentatively) November 11 from 10am - 4pm with Christina Manzano.

        • Admission is free, but planetarium show tickets are $5.

        • Parking info is hereLinks to an external site. if you want to visit on your own.

Option 2: Mount Wilson ObservatoryLinks to an external site.

This observatory is located at 5,700 feet elevation, in the mountains above Pasadena. Take a guided or self-guided tour and enjoy the peaceful scenery! To receive credit for your visit, please submit a 3-5 minute video summarizing your time there. Be sure the video includes you in at least some of the shots.

        • Masks are required indoors but no mention of vaccine requirements on their website.

        • Self-guided tours are free

        • Guided tours are offered on weekends, for $15/person

        • A U.S. Forest Service Adventure Pass is required to park at the Observatory. A $5 day pass may be purchased at the Cosmic Cafe

        • Tip: Music lovers might want to check out Concerts in the DomeLinks to an external site.

Option 3: California Science CenterLinks to an external site.

See the Space Shuttle Endeavor, enjoy the IMAX, and see tons of other attractions in the heart of LA. To receive credit for your visit, please submit a 3-5 minute video summarizing your time there. Be sure the video includes you in at least some of the shots.

Option 3.5: Instead of Traveling...

At the top of this message, I said there were 3.5 field trip options. In case you are unable to travel to any of the 3 places listed above, I am offering the option to write a research paper instead. The research paper has the same requirements as the extra credit assignment, but you will need to write a separate research paper on a different topic if you'd like to receive extra credit as well!

Submitting your assignment

If you are accompanying me or Julie Bray-Ali on a field trip to Griffith Observatory, you will be asked to do a quick write-up. To collect info for your write-up, please refer to this worksheet: Field trip Griffith Worksheet.pdf

If you choose any of the other options, please record a 3-5 minute video and upload it here. The video should include you at some point, and should show a nice summary of what you saw and experienced on your trip. If you go to Griffith on your own, you may choose to do a write-up or a video. Please let me know if you have any questions!

Extra Credit

Each student gets the opportunity to submit a short research paper worth up to 5% added to their final grade. The research paper should explore a topic mentioned at some point during the semester, but should provide greater depth than what we cover in class.

In the future, I would like to expand this extra credit opportunity to include visual art, music, video productions, creative writing, and other forms of creative expression.

Full Text of Extra Credit Assignment

You may submit a research paper on an astronomy related topic of your choice for up to 5% added to your final grade. This research paper should be a deep dive into a single topic that you find interesting. It should:

  • Cover material not mentioned in this class (i.e. you will need to do independent research to learn more)

  • Reference at least 5 reputable sources

  • Be 2-3 pages, 12 pt. single spaced, not including figures. This is a loose requirement (it can be slightly shorter or longer, with or without figures).

Keep in mind, extra credit is extra for a reason: I have received some truly spectacular extra credit projects, so it is very difficult to get the full 5%. Or, to frame it differently, a full 5% of extra credit is a very high compliment.