Astr 5L

Brief description of how many sections I taught and a summary of my approach. How do I like to run lectures? What feedback did I get in my initial classroom visits and how did I address them? Point out how the reader can find these changes.



Selected Labs

Data Collection Lab

I wanted to start the semester by giving students practice making measurements, plotting data, and interpreting graphs. In this lab, they learn how to record data in a table, graph data, interpret the graph to glean additional information, analyze uncertainty, report answers with uncertainty, and compare results.

In Part 1, the students place a bowl on a scale and add 10 dried beans at a time to the bowl. They record data in the table provided and graph the scale reading in grams vs. number of beans by hand. They are then asked to determine the trendline and give the physical meaning of the slope and y-intercept of their graph. The slope shows that the average mass of a bean is a fraction of a gram, which is too small to measure directly using the scale provided. The y-intercept gives the mass of the empty bowl, which they were not instructed to measure. This exercise demonstrates how the slope of a graph can reveal information that is not trivial to obtain directly, and how extrapolating a trendline can reveal information that was not measured. Students also learn how to evaluate random and systematic errors, and how to use standard deviation to describe the uncertainty of a measurement.

In Part 2, students learn the basics of error analysis and how to use standard deviation and percent difference to quantify the uncertainty and agreement between measurements.

In Part 3, they apply the lessons they learned in Part 2 to their results in Part 1. Students are asked to present the average mass of a bean they measured in Part 1, and use standard deviation and percent difference to comment on whether their measurements agree with results from other groups.

Lab 1 - Data Fundamentals.pdf

Most of this lab was developed from scratch, though I borrowed some notes on Uncertainty in Part 2 from David B. Pengra, University of Washington, and L. Thomas Dillman, Ohio Wesleyan University.

Lunar Cratering

Astronomy is a unique science in that the bodies that we study are so distant that we rarely get the opportunity to perform conduct physical experiments. This lab is a great example of how astronomers use controlled lab experiments to isolate variables and test models, which can then be applied to worlds that are beyond our reach.

I open this lab by showing the slides pictured on the right. I begin by explaining how impact craters accumulate on a surface, and how we can simulate these impacts in a lab to better understand the relationship between crater properties and the projectiles that created them. Once we understand fundamental relationships such as projectile velocity vs. crater diameter, we apply this knowledge to ask more complex questions. For instance, how big was the meteor that killed the dinosaurs, and how likely is such an event to happen again?

In this lab, we investigate how the diameter of a crater depends on fast the projectile was moving. Students break into small groups of ~3 and drop marbles from various heights into a bed of sand. As one student drops the marbles, another measures the crater diameter, and another records the data. I developed a Google Sheet (pictured below) to automatically compute the mean and standard deviation of the crater diameters for each drop height and graph the data relationship between D vs v, v^2, and v^1/2.

The lab manual explains the physical motivation for each of the models listed above, but I think the significance of this portion could have been emphasized better in class. The students did very well selecting the model that best fits their data, but in the next iteration of this lab, I would like to focus more on why it is important to compare models, and what can be learned from an exercise like this.

Lunar Cratering.pdf

The content of this lab was adapted from the General Education Astronomy Source (GEAS) project, based at New Mexico State University (NMSU)


Finding Earthlike Planets

In this lab, students see how data taken via the radial velocity and transit methods can be analyzed to learn more about the exoplanets they detect.

I open this lab by giving a brief explanation of the radial velocity and transit methods. Most students have seen this material in lecture already, so I ask them to remind me how the planets are detected, what limitations of each method are, and what exoplanet properties can be measured using each method.

The first part of this lab involves graphing data manually and drawing a best-fit sine curve. Once the students' graphs start to take shape, I demonstrate on the board how to interpret incomplete data and draw a continuous best-fit sine wave. They should begin by identifying the minimum and maximum levels of the sine wave (green dotted line), then showing where peaks and troughs are apparent in the data (blue curves). Once they identify a few peaks and troughs, they can begin to draw a continuous sine curve through the data (red line).

I also demonstrate on the board how to find the period of a sine wave when the full wave is not captured in the data.

Lab 8 - Finding Earthlike Planets.pdf

Lab adopted with permission from Stacy Palen, Ana Larson, and Oliver Fraiser, UW Astronomy Education Clearinghouse.


The midterm includes multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank questions testing understanding of the most important concepts covered in the first half of the semester. It also incorporates computational questions that are very similar to the calculations students saw in previous labs.


Sample Student Work and Feedback

I find the Speed Grader in Canvas to be the best method for leaving feedback on student work. In particular, I make use of detailed rubrics to clearly communicate what level of work is expected for full credit, and to make sure I am consistent in grading one lab to the next. My feedback consists of minimal annotations on the submitted work, selections on the rubric, and detailed comments on the rubric wherever necessary. Below are some examples of student work and my feedback for selected labs.

Student Work - Data Basics


Student Work - Lunar Cratering


Student Work - Finding Earthlike Planets
