Conferences and Talks

Recorded Invited Talks

You can here watch some of the talks that I have given in recent years, such an invited lecture for the Annual Lecture Series at the Center for Philosophy of Science at Pittsburgh University; a workshop talk to the Lakatos Prize workshop, in November 2019; and a seminar talk for a workshop at the IHPST in Paris in June 2021.

Annual Lecture Series

Center for Philosophy of Science

University of Pittsburgh

April 2019

Lakatos Award Workshop

Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science

London School of Economics

November 2019

Workshop on Epistemology of Models and Simulations in the Sciences

Institute d’Histoire et Philosophie des Sciences et des Techniques (IHPST), Paris-Sorbonne

June 2021

List of Talks (Since 2015)

For the complete list see the (exhaustive, but not updated) version of my CV here.

*: Invited talk, otherwise refereed contribution.


217. (June) "Maxwell / Mondrian: Abstraction as a Process", Models, Representation, and Computation (MRC) Conference, Université Paris (Panthéon-Sorbonne), Paris, France (14/06/2024) 

216. (June) * "The Possibilities in Propensities: Emergence and Modality", Memorial Event in Honour of Paul Humphreys, Institut d'Histoire et Philosophie des Sciences et Techniques (IHPST), Paris, France (12/06/2024)

215. (May) * "Precis on Inference and Representation", CamPos, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, Cambridge University, UK (22/05/2024)

214. (March) * "The Complex Nexus of Evolutionary Fitness", Workshop on The Concept of Fitness in Biology, Representing Evolution ERC project, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK (27-28/03/2024)


213. (November) * "Inference and Representation: A Study in Modeling Science book launch (University of Chicago Press), Research project Mary B. Hesse's New Epistemology: Principles and Legacy, Lisbon Nova University, Lisbon, Portugal (24/11/2023)

212. (November) * "Pensemos sobre la Cosmología: Del Big Bang a la Materia Oscura" ("Thinking about Cosmology: From the Big Bang to Dark Matter"), Valladolid Piensa, Valladolid, Spain (17/11/2023) 


211. (September) “The Possibilities in Propensities”, Symposium on Modalities in Scientific Representation, European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA23) conference, Belgrade, Serbia (20-23/09/2023).


210. (September) * “La Representación en el Arte y en la Ciencia” ("Representation in Art and Science"), Curso de Verano Maneras de Mirar, Asociación Santa Leocadia, University of Cantabria, Soto-Iruz, Cantabria, España (08/09/2023).


209. (July), “Negative Analogies and Representation in Medical Practice: A Case from Clinical Orthopaedics” (with Helene Scott-Fordsmand), Annual conference of the British Society for the Philosophy of Science (BSPS23), Bristol, United Kingdom (07/07/2023).

208. (June), "Negative Analogies and Representation in Medical Practice: A Case from Clinical Orthopaedics" (with Helene Scott-Fordsmand), Conference on The Value of Scientific Representation. Classic Issues and Contemporary Challenges (SciRep2023) Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal (22/06/2023).


207. (May), “The Complex Nexus of Evolutionary Fitness”, IV Philosophy in Biology and Medicine (PhilinBioMed) workshop, Cambridge, United Kingdom (06/05/2023).



206. (September) * “Quiet Causation and its Uses in Science”, Causality and Causal Methods workshop, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands (26/09/2022).


205. (September) * “The Possibilities in Propensities”, CFCUL permanent seminar, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal (07/09/2022).

204. (August), (with Pedro Sánchez-Gómez), “Reactivity in Chemistry: The Propensity View”, 26th Conference of the International Society for the Philosophy of Chemistry (ISPhilChem), Lille, France (17/08/2022).

203. (June) * "The Inferential Conception of Representation and Scientific Realism", Workshop on Models, Structures and Representation, University of Urbino, Italy (20-21/06/2022).


202. (April) * "Comments on Michela Massimi's Perspectival Realism”, 4th SURe workshop, Fordham University, NYC, USA (21-23/04/2022).


201. (January) * “Una Concepción Deflacionaria de la Causalidad en la Ciencia” ("A Deflationary Conception of Causation in Science"), Department of Philosophy, University of Malaga, Spain (20/01/2022).



200. (December) * "Filosofía de la Probabilidad y de la Modelización Estadística", Programa de Doctorado en Lógica y Filosofía de la Ciencia, Universidad de Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain (01/12/2021).


199. (November) "Evolutionary Fitness Propensities, Probabilities, and Experimental Statistics", X Conference of the Spanish Society for Logic and Philosophy of Science (X SLMFCE), Salamanca, Spain (16/11/2021).


198. (November) * "The Complex Nexus of Evolutionary Fitness", Workshop Diálogos Filosóficos con Mauricio Suárez, Círculo de Buenos Aires, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina (12/11/2021).


197. (November) * "Representation in Science and Art", Workshop Diálogos Filosóficos con Mauricio Suárez, Círculo de Buenos Aires, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina (10/11/2021).


196. (November) * "Book Presentation: Philosophy of Probability and Statistical Modeling", Centre for Philosophy of Sciences at the University of Lisbon (CFCUL), Lisbon, Portugal (04/11/2021).


195. (October) "TBA", Keynote, Philosophy of Science symposium, ACHIF National Congress, Chile (06-08/10/2021). Postponed.


194. (July) "The Complex Nexus of Evolutionary Fitness", British Society for the Philosophy of Science annual meeting (08/07/2021).


193. (June) * “The Complex Nexus of Evolutionary Fitness”, Institute d’Histoire et Philosophie des Sciences et des Techniques (IHPST), Paris-Sorbonne (22/06/2021).


192. (June) * “The Complex Nexus of Evolutionary Fitness”, Philosophy Department Seminar, Durham University (16/06/2021).


191. (May) * Book Launch “Philosophy of Probability and Statistical Modelling”, History and Philosophy of Science Department seminar, Cambridge University (19/05/2021).


190. (May) * “The Possibilities in Propensities”, International Workshop on Modelling the Possible, University of Vienna, Austria (12/05/2021).


189. (March) * “Scientific Representation”, Vienna Circle Institute (IVC) seminar (17/03/2021).



188. (October) * "The Possibilities in Propensities", International Workshop on Modelling the Possible, University of Vienna, Austria (1-3/10/2020). Postponed.


187. (September) * 2 invited talks at the VI Workshop Círculo de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina (15-22/09/2020). Postponed.


186. (June) * “TBA”, Konrad Lorenz Institute, Klosterneuburg, Austria (09/06/2020). Postponed.


185. (March) * “TBA”, Seminar on Models, Paris 1 (Panthéon-Sorbonne), Paris, France (23/03/2020). Postponed.



184. (December) * “Chance in the World”, Seminar, Department of Logic, History and Philosophy of Science, UNED (Open University), Madrid, Spain (12/12/2020).


183. (November) * “Scientific Understanding as Minimal Representation”, Lakatos Award Expert Workshop, Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science (CPNSS), London School of Economics, United Kingdom (21/11/2019).


182. (November) “The Contextual Character of Causal Evidence”, Workshop on Reasoning about Evidence: Logical, Historical and Philosophical Perspectives, Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science, University of Gent, Belgium (4-6/11/2019).


181. (June) * “Scientific Representations for Thought Experiments”, Midterm Conference of the Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy on Fiction and Imagination, Turin, Italy (17-18/06/2019).


180. (May) * “¿Es Posible Automatizar la Inferencia Causal?” ("Is it Possible to Automatize Causal Inference?"), I Encuentro Ciencia-Filosofía, Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas, y Naturales, Madrid, Spain (13/05/2019).

179. (April) Book Launch "Filosofía de la Ciencia: Historia y Práctica", Metalibrería, Madrid (29/04/2019).


178. (April) * “Explanatory Chance”, Annual Lecture Series, Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh, USA (05/04/2019).


175-177. (February) * “Lectures in the philosophy of science”, Escuela de Filosofía, Madrid, Spain (12-19-26/02/2019).


174. (February) * “Understanding as Minimal Representation”, Workshop Scientific Understanding and Representation (SURe), Université Bordeaux Montaigne, Bordeaux, France (05/02/2019).



173. (December) * “Representation and Inference in Science”, École Doctorale de Philosophie de Paris 1 (Panthéon-Sorbonne), Graduate School Seminar, University of Paris (Panthéon Sorbonne), France (14/12/2018).


172. (December) * “Explanatory Chance and the Method of Arbitrary Functions”, Research Seminar, Institute d’Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences et des Techniques (Institute for the History and Philosophy of the Sciences and Techniques - IHPST), Paris, France (10/12/2018).


171. (December) * “Propensities and Probabilities”, Seminar Series on Causality, Institute d’Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences et des Techniques (Institute for the History and Philosophy of the Sciences and Techniques - IHPST), Paris, France (03/12/2018).


170. (September) * “Explanatory Chance and the Method of Arbitrary Functions”, workshop on The Method of Arbitrary Functions, Faculty of Philosophy, Complutense University of Madrid (21/09/2018).


168 & 169. (July) * “Two Lectures on Scientific Representation (I) and (II)”, Symposium on Thought Experiments, Vienna Circle Institute, University of Vienna, Austria (09/07/2018).


167. (July) “Evidence for Fictions and Idealizations in Stellar Astrophysics”, Symposium on the Philosophy of Astrophysical Practice, Society for the Philosophy of Science in Practice annual conference, Ghent, Belgium (02/07/2018).


166. (June) “Explanatory Chance”, Conference on Models of Explanation, University of Turin, Italy (12/06/2018).


165. (May) * “Theories, Models and Representations”, Workshop on Representation in Science, Charles University Prague, Czech Republic (28/05/2018).





164. (November) * “Filosofía de la Física”, Festival Valladolid Piensa (outreach event), University of Valladolid, Spain (14/11/2017).


163. (October) * “Aesthetic Goals in Model-Building”, Workshop on the Limits and Aesthetics of Physics, University of Granada, Spain (5-6/10/2017).


162. (July) “Propensities, Conditionals, and Indexicals”, 89th Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society and Mind Association, Warwick, UK (6-7/07/2017 undelivered).


161. (June) * “Explanatory Chance”, Workshop on Unifying the Debates: Mathematical and Non-Causal Explanation, Institute d’Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences et des Techniques (Institute for the History and Philosophy of the Sciences and Techniques - IHPST), France (28/06/2017).


160. (June) * “Grounding Chances”, Metaphysics of Science workshop, University of Groningen, The Netherlands (26/06/2017).


159. (February) * “Propensities, Probabilities, and Experimental Statistics”, Research Seminar, Institute d’Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences et des Techniques (Institute for the History and Philosophy of the Sciences and Techniques - IHPST), Paris, France (21/02/2017).



158. (August) * “Information, Inference, and Misrepresentation”, 1st Workshop on Models and Idealizations in Science, Valparaíso, Chile (29-30/08/2016). Keynote speaker.


157. (June) * “Varieties of Misrepresentation and Homomorphism”, The Semantics of Theories conference, Munich Centre for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP), Munich, Germany (25/06/2016).


156. (June) * “Chance and Statistical Modelling”, Chance Encounter workshop, University of Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands (23/06/2016).


155. (May) * “The Aesthetics of Scientific Methodology”, Data-Rush Symposium, Angewandte Innovation Laboraroty, Franz Josefs Kai 3, Vienna, Austria (17/05/2016).


154. (April) * “Why Chance Matters”, invited talk at the Why Philosophy Matters series, Bloomsbury publishing, Bedford Square, London, UK (12/04/2016). Plenary speaker.


153. (February) “The Contextual Character of Causal Evidence”, at the Workshop on Inferentialism, Contextualism, Relativism: New Directions in Philosophy of Science, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain (08/02/2016).



152. (November) * “Interventions and Causality in Quantum Mechanics”, Workshop on Causality and Non-locality in Quantum Mechanics, University of the Basque Country, San Sebastián, Spain (12/11/2015).


151. (October) * “The Chances of Propensities”, Research Seminar, Department of Logic, History and Philosophy of Science, Universidad Nacional Educación a Distancia (UNED), Madrid (13/10/2015).


150. (September) “Propensities, Chances and Experimental Statistics”, Symposium on Probabilities, Chances and Statistics, 5th Conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA15), Dusseldorf, Germany (23-26/09/2015).


149. (August) “Varieties of Misrepresentation and Homomorphism” (with Francesca Pero), 15th Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science (CLMPS), University of Helsinki, Finland (3-8/08/2015).


148. (July) * “Philosophy of Probability”, 10-lecture course, British Committee, Philosophy Summer School, Xiamen, China (21-31/07/2015).


147. (July) “Propensities, Conditionals, and Indexicals”, 89th Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society and Mind Association, Warwick, UK (10-11/07/2015, undelivered).


146. (July) * “Propensities and Statistical Modeling”, British Society for the Philosophy of Science Annual Conference, Manchester, UK (2-3/07/2015). Plenary Speaker.


145. (June) “Resemblance and its Discontents in Art and Science”, Symposium on Aesthetics in Scientific Practice, 5th Society for the Philosophy of Science Biennial Conference (SPSP), Aarhus, Denmark (24-26/06/2015).


144. (June) “Propensities, Probabilities, and Statistical Data”, 5th Society for the Philosophy of Science in Practice Biennial Conference (SPSP), Aarhus, Denmark (24-26/06/2015).


143. (April) * “On the Interpretations of Quantum Probability”, Oxford University Physics Conference, St. Catherine’s College, Oxford (19-20/04/2015). Keynote Speaker.


142. (April) “The Origin of Quantum Propensities: Henry Margenau’s ‘Latency’ School”, 10th UK Integrated History and Philosophy of Science (iHPS) Conference, University of Durham (16-17/04/2015)