

(2024) Inference and Representation: A Study in Modeling Science. The University of Chicago Press: Chicago.

(2020) Philosophy of Probability and Statistical Modelling. Cambridge Elements Series, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.


(2019) Filosofía de la Ciencia: Historia y Práctica. Tecnos: Madrid.



Edited Books


(2011) Probabilities, Causes and Propensities in Physics. Edited with an introduction by M. Suárez. Synthese Library,vol. 347. Springer: Berlin and New York.


(2010b) EPSA: Philosophical Issues in the Sciences: Launch of the European Philosophy of Science Association, vol. II. Coedited with Mauro Dorato and Miklós Rédei. Springer: Berlin and New York.


(2010a) EPSA: Scientific Methodology and Epistemology: Launch of the European Philosophy of Science Association, vol. I. Coedited with Mauro Dorato and Miklós Rédei. Springer: Berlin and New York.


(2009) Fictions in Science: Philosophical Essays on Modeling and Idealization. Edited with an introduction by M. Suárez. Routledge: New York



Edited Volumes and  Issues


(2021) Inferentialism in Philosophy of Science and Epistemology (co-edited with Javier González de Prado and Jesús Zamora Bonilla), special issue of Synthese, 2018, 198 (4), pp. 905-993.


(2012) Reconsidering the Dynamics of Reason: A Symposium in Honour of Michael Friedman (co-edited with Thomas Uebel), special issue of Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science, 41, pp. 1-53.


(2004) Dispositions, Causes and Propensities in Science (co-edited with Alexander Bird), special issue of Theoria, vol. 19 (3), no. 51.


(2000) Causality in Physics, special issue of Theoria, vol. 15, no. 37.



Articles and Contributions to Books


*: non-refereed commissions; otherwise refereed

(2024a), "Peirce's Pragmatism, Semiotics, and Physical Representation" (with Carmen Sánchez-Ovcharov), European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy, XVI (1). 

(2023b), "Reactivity in Chemistry: The Propensity View" (with Pedro Sánchez-Gómez), Foundations of Chemistry, 25, pp. 369-380.

(2023a), "Stellar Structure Models Revisited: Evidence and Data in Asteroseismology", in Nora Boyd, Siska de Baerdemaeker, Kevin Heng and Vera Matarese (Eds.), Philosophy of Astrophysics: Stars, Simulations and the Struggle to Determine What is Out There, Springer, pp. 111-129.

(2022), "The Complex Nexus of Evolutionary Fitness", European Journal for Philosophy of Science, 12.

(2021d) “Chance”, in Wilson, A. and E. Knox (Eds.), Routledge Companion to the Philosophy of Physics, Routledge, pp. 644-654.

(2021c) “Informative Models: Idealization and Abstraction” (with Agnes Bolinska), in Alejandro Cassini and Juan Redmond (Eds.), Models and Idealizations in Science: Fictional and Artifactual Approaches, Springer, pp. 71-85.

(2021b) "Introduction to the Special Issue on Inferentialism in Philosophy of Science and Epistemology" (with Javier González de Prado and Jesús Zamora Bonilla), Synthese 198 (4), pp. 905-907.


(2021a), “Chance in the World: A Critical Review”, Extended Review of Carl Hoefer's "Chance in the World: A Humean Guide to Objective Chance" Mind, 130 (519), pp. 997-1006. 


(2019) “The Representational Semantic Conception” (with Francesca Pero), Philosophy of Science, 86, pp. 344-365.


(2018b) “The Chances of Propensities”, The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 69, pp. 1155-1177.


(2018a) “Causalidad en la Ciencia”, Enciclopedia de la Sociedad Española de Filosofía Analítica (SEFA Encyclopedia).


(2017) “Propensities, Probabilities, and Experimental Statistics”, in Michela Massimi, Jan-Willem Romeijn and Gerhard Schurz (Eds.), EPSA15 Selected Papers: European Studies in Philosophy of Science vol. 5. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 335-345.


(2016b) “Varieties of Misrepresentation and Homomorphism” (with Francesca Pero), European Journal for Philosophy of Science, 6 (1), pp. 71-90.


(2016a) “Representation in Science” in Paul Humphreys (Ed.), Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of Science, Oxford University Press, pp. 440-459.


(2015c) “Bohmian Dispositions”, Synthese, 192 (10), pp. 3203-3228.


(2015b) “Scientific Representation, Denotation, and Fictional Entities”, in Uskali Mäki, Ioannis Votsis, Stéphanie Ruphy, Gerhard Schurz (Eds.)  Recent Developments in the Philosophy of Science: EPSA13 Helsinki (U. Maki et al., Eds.), Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 331-341.


(2015a) “Deflationary Representation, Inference, and Practice”, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 49, pp. 36-47.


(2014d) “A Critique of Empiricist Propensity Theories”, European Journal for Philosophy of Science, 4 (2), pp. 215-231.


(2014c) “The Contextual Character of Causal Evidence”, Topoi, 33 (2), pp. 397-406.


(2014b) “Indeterminismo e Inferencia Causal” (“Indeterminism and Causal Inference”, with Iñaki San Pedro), Teorema, vol. XXXIII/I, pp. 95-109.


(2014a) “Scientific Representation”, Oxford Bibliographies Online, January 2014.


(2013c) “Fictions, Conditionals and Stellar Astrophysics”, International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 27 (3), October 2013, pp. 235-252.


(2013b) “Interventions and Causality in Quantum Mechanics”, Erkenntnis, 78 (2), pp. 199-213.


(2013a) “Propensities and Pragmatism”, The Journal of Philosophy, Volume CX (2), pp. 61-92.


(2012c) “Contextos de Descubrimiento Causal” (“Contexts of Causal Discovery”), Revista de Filosofia, vol. 37, 1, pp. 27-36. 


(2012b) “Science, Philosophy, and the A Priori”, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, vol. 43, 1, pp. 1-6.


(2012a) “The Ample Modeling Mind”, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, vol. 43, 1, pp. 213-217.


(2011c) * “Scientific Realism, the Galilean Strategy and Representation”, in Wenceslao González (Ed.), Scientific Realism and Democratic Society: The Philosophy of Philip Kitcher, Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities,Amsterdam: Rodopi, vol. 101, pp. 269-293.


(2011b) “Four Theses on Probabilities, Causes, Propensities” in Mauricio Suárez (Ed.), Probabilities, Causes and Propensities in Physics, Springer, pp. 1-41. (First published online 24 September 2010.)


(2011a) “Causal Markov, Robustness and Quantum Correlations” (with Iñaki San Pedro), in Mauricio Suárez (Ed.), Probabilities, Causes and Propensities in Physics, Springer, pp. 173-193.


(2010b) * “Fictions, Inference, and Realism”, in John Woods (Ed.), Fictions and Models: New Essays, Munich: Georg Olms Verlag, pp. 225-245.


(2010a) “Scientific Representation”, Philosophy Compass, 5, 1, pp. 91-101.


(2009e) “The Many Metaphysics within Physics”, Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 40, pp. 273-76.


(2009d) * “La Filosofía de la Economía y de la Ciencia de Nancy Cartwright: Una Panorámica Retrospectiva” in Juan Carlos Bermejo (Ed.), Sobre la Economía y sus Métodos, Enciclopedia Iberoamericana de Filosofía, Editorial Trotta, pp. 383-394.


(2009c), “The Principle of Common Cause and Indeterminism: A Review” (with Iñaki San Pedro), in José Luis González Recio (Ed.), Philosophical Essays on Physics and Biology, pp. 223-250.


(2009b) “Scientific Fictions as Rules of Inference”, in Fictions in Science: Philosophical Essays on Modeling and Idealization, Routledge, pp. 158-198.


(2009a) “Fictions in Scientific Practice”, in Fictions in Science: Philosophical Essays on Modeling and Idealisation, Routledge, pp. 1-15.


(2008c) “Harré Needs no Realism”, in Léna Soler, Howard Sankey and Paul Hoyningen-Huene (Eds.), Rethinking Scientific Change and Theory Comparison: Stabilities, Ruptures, Inconmensurabilities, Springer, pp. 239-243.


(2008b) “Experimental Realism Reconsidered: How Inference to the Most Likely Cause Might Be Sound”, in Stephan Hartmann, Carl Hoefer and Luc Bovens (Eds.), Nancy Cartwright’s Philosophy of Science, Routledge, pp. 137-163.


(2008a) “Theories: Tools versus Models” (with Nancy Cartwright), Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 39, pp. 62-81.


(2007b) “Quantum Propensities”, Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 38, pp. 418-438.


(2007a) “Causal Inference in Quantum Mechanics: A Reassessment”, in Federica Russo and Jon Williamson (Eds.), Causality and Probability in the Sciences, Texts in Philosophy Series, College publications, London, pp. 65-106.


(2006) “On the Analogy Between Cognitive Representation and Truth” (with Albert Solé), Theoria, 55, pp. 39-48.


(2005c) * “Procesos Causales, Realismo y Mecánica Cuántica”, in José Díez and Carl Hoefer (Eds.), Causalidad y Explicación: Homenaje a Wesley Salmon, special issue of Enrahonar, 37, pp. 141-168, Autonomous University of Barcelona Press. (A Spanish version of (2004d) in part).

(2005b) * “Cassirer según Mormann: ¿Idealización o Abstracción?”, en La Constitución de los Objetos en la Ciencia: Cualidades, Propiedades, Objetos, Editorial Brujas, pp. 123-134.

(2005a) “The Semantic View, Empirical Adequacy and Application”, Crítica, vol. 37, No. 109, pp. 29-63.

(2004f) “An Inferential Conception of Scientific Representation”, Philosophy of Science, 71, 5, pp. 767-779.

(2004e) “Introduction”, in Dispositions, Causes and Propensities in Science, Mauricio Suárez and Alexander Bird (eds.), special issue of Theoria, 19, no.3, pp. 257-58.

(2004d) “Causal Processes and Propensities in Quantum Mechanics”, in Dispositions, Causes and Propensities in Science, Mauricio Suárez and Alexander Bird (Eds.), Theoria, 19, no. 3, pp. 271-300.

(2004c) “Propensiones y Selecciones Cuánticas: El Experimento de las Dos Rendijas”, in Hipótesis y Verdad en Ciencia: Ensayos sobre la Filosofía de Karl Popper, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. (Most of this article is a reprint in Spanish of part of 2004b).

(2004b) “On Quantum Propensities: Two Arguments Revisited”, Erkenntnis, 61, 1, pp. 1-16.

(2004a) “Quantum Selections, Propensities and the Problem of Measurement”, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science,55, 2, pp. 219-255.

(2003b) “Hacking Kuhn”, Revista de Filosofía, 28, 2, pp. 261-284.

(2003a) “Scientific Representation: Against Similarity and Isomorphism”, International Studies in the Philosophy of Science,17, 3, October 2003, pp. 225-244.

(2001) * “Kinds of Models” (with Adam Morton), in Paul Bates and Malcolm Anderson (Eds.), Model Validation in Hydrological Science, John Wiley, pp. 11-21.

(2000b) “The Many Faces of Non-Locality: Dickson on the Quantum Correlations”, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, vol. 51, no.4, pp. 882-892.

(2000a) “Editorial Introduction”, in Mauricio Suárez (Ed.), Causality in Physics, special issue of Theoria, vol. 15, no. 37.

(1999d) * “Epistemology in the Face of the Strong Sociology of Knowledge: A Reply to Maffie”, History of the Human Sciences, vol. 12, no.4, pp. 41-48.

(1999c) “Theories, Models and Representations”, in Lorenzo Magnani, Nancy Nersessian and Paul Thagard (Eds.), Model-BasedReasoning in Scientific Discovery, Plenum, New York, pp. 75-83.

(1999b) “Non-Ideal Measurements and Physical Possibility in Quantum Mechanics” (with Marco Del Seta), in Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara, Roberto Giuntini and Federico Laudisa (Eds.), Language, Quantum, Music, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 183-195.

(1999a) “The Role of Models in the Application of Scientific Theories: Epistemological Implications” in Mary Morgan and Margaret Morrison (Eds.), Models as Mediating Instruments, Cambridge University Press, pp. 168-196.

(1998) “Are ‘Sharp’ Values of Observables Always Objective Elements of Reality?” (with Harvey Brown and Guido Bacciagaluppi) in Dennis Dieks and Pieter Vermaas (Eds), The Modal Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, Kluwer, pp. 289-306.


(1996) “On the Physical Impossibility of Ideal Quantum Measurements”, Foundations of Physics Letters, vol. 9, number 5, pp. 425-435, 1996.

(1995) “The Tool-Box of Science” (with Nancy Cartwright and Towfic Shomar) in William Herfel, Wladislaw Krajewski, Ilkka Niiniluoto, and Ryszard Wójcicki (Eds), Theories and Models of Scientific Processes, Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities, vol. 44, pp. 137-149.


Encyclopaedia entries

(2009c) “Quantum State Diffusion Theory”, in Freidel Weinert, Daniel Greenberger and Klaus Hentschel (Eds.), Compendium on Quantum Physics, Springer, p. 608.

(2009b) “Propensities in Quantum Mechanics”, in Freidel Weinert, Daniel Greenberger and Klaus Hentschel (Eds.), Compendium on Quantum Physics, Springer, pp. 502-555.

(2009a) “Causal Inference and EPR”, in Freidel Weinert, Daniel Greenberger and Klaus Hentschel (Eds.), Compendium on Quantum Physics, Springer, pp. 93-96.




Technical Papers (LSE Discussion Papers Series)

(2008) “The Principle of Common Cause and Indeterminism: A Review” (with Iñaki San Pedro), Contingency and DissentSeries Discussion Paper 07/08, August 2008. (Republished as (2009c).

(2007) “EPR, Robustness and the Causal Markov Condition” (with Iñaki San Pedro), LSE Philosophy Discussion Papers PP04/07, August 2007.

(2006b) “Propensities in Quantum Mechanics”, LSE CPNSS Discussion Paper 80/06, May 2006.

(2006a) “Experimental Realism Defended: How Inference to the Most Likely Cause Might be Sound”, LSE CPNSS Contingency and Dissent Series Discussion Paper 01/06, January 2006.

(2002) “The Pragmatics of Scientific Representation”, 14,000 words, LSE CPNSS Discussion Paper 66/02, November 2002.

(2001) “Selections, Dispositions and the Measurement Problem”, LSE CPNSS Discussion Paper 57/01.

(2000) “A Causal Model for EPR” (with Nancy Cartwright), LSE CPNSS Discussion Paper 55/2000.



Book Reviews

(2011b) Bas Van Fraassen: Scientific Representation, Metascience, 20, pp. 417-442.

(2011a) Hugh Mellor: Probability:  A Philosophical Introduction, Theoria, 70, pp. 99-103. 

(2010) RIG Hughes: The Theoretical Practices of Physics, Notre Dame Philosophical Review, 5 December 2010.

(2002) Ronald Giere: Science without Laws, Mind, vol. 111, pp. 111-114.

(2000) Ian Percival: Quantum State Diffusion (with Adam Brocklehurst), British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 51 (3), pp. 527-530.

(1996b) “In Defense of Scientific Realism: A review of Michael Redhead: From Physics to Metaphysics”, Physics Today, vol. 9, no.3, pp. 55-56.

(1996a) Norton Wise (Ed.): The Values of Precision, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 47, pp. 483-486.

(1994) David Albert: Quantum Mechanics and Experience, Erkenntnis, 40, pp. 403-406.





(2017b) Comment on Andrew Gelman and Christian Hennig’s “Beyond Subjective and Objective in Statistics”, Royal Statistical Society, 180 (4), pp. 1020-1021.


(2008) “First Conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association, Madrid 11-14 Nov 2007” (with Stathis Psillos), Journal for General Philosophy of Science, 39 (1), pp. 157-59.

(1994) * “La Cuestión de la Causalidad en el Experimento de Einstein, Podolsky y Rosen: Una Visión Crítica”, in the Proceedings of the I Conference of the Spanish Society for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, UNED.