
Following our virtual Roundtables from SABER West 2021, SABER West 2022 will feature a two-session roundtable format, including a virtual pre-conference meeting with your Roundtable group with a second happening at SABER West itself.

The aim of the roundtables is to provide an opportunity for researchers with in-progress projects to share their ideas and receive feedback from colleagues. Roundtables can feature projects that are still in a preliminary planning phase all the way up to those that are being currently written as manuscripts. We strongly encourage people who are new to discipline-based education research to present a project.

Roundtable submissions will occur as part of the SABER West online registration process. While registration does not close until January 5th, roundtable submissions will only be accepted until December 15th to allow for organizing roundtable groups and the establishment of meeting times. We will also solicit roundtable facilitators as part of the registration process.


        • Roundtables will feature a small number of presenters along with one or more facilitators. Each presenter will receive 5 minutes to present their work and 5 minutes for feedback from the group.

        • Facilitators will lead this discussion and provide participants with relevant resources as applicable. Facilitators will be asked to schedule the Zoom meeting for their group.

        • The first roundtable session will take place through Zoom during a one-hour period agreed upon by the facilitator(s) and presenters during January 4th-13th to occur prior to the conference. During the meeting we will have dedicated time for the groups to meet again.

        • Lists of facilitators, presenters, presentation topics, and Zoom links will be made available on the SABER West website so any members of the community can attend to listen, learn, and provide feedback.

        • There will be multiple groups of roundtables dependent on the number of submissions and facilitators.