Abstract Submission

Talk and Workshop Abstract Submission

  • Talk and workshop abstract submissions are now closed. We will notify presenters about acceptances by mid-late October.

  • Roundtable and poster submissions will be accepted with registration. All roundtable and poster submissions will be accepted for presentation and will not be reviewed.

  • Posters are to be a maximum size of 48 inches length x 36 inches height.

Talks (400 word abstract) - 15 minutes + 5 min for questions

Talks will showcase more developed ideas, projects, and work nearing publication. Emphasis is on communicating robust findings using tried and tested instruments and protocols. If this work has been presented at a previous SABER meeting, please be sure that the submitted abstract contains significant novel information.

The talk abstract rubric can be found here. In addition to the abstract, you will need to provide the following information when you submit:

  1. Author name(s)

  2. Name and email address of presenting author

  3. Relevant subject areas (listed on CMT submission site)

  4. Methodology (qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods)

Workshops - 90 minutes

Workshops will help participants do one of the following:

  1. Develop discipline-based education research (DBER) skills and/or

  2. Translate research findings into evidence-based teaching practices in the classrooms.

Workshops should be interactive, participant-centered, and include minimal lecturing from the facilitators. An expected goal of all workshops will be for participants to leave with a concrete product. This can take a variety of forms. For research-focused workshops, potential products include a collaborative research study or a survey instrument. For teaching-focused workshops, potential products include a classroom activity or a new assessment strategy.

Workshop proposal submissions (in the form of a PDF) should include the following components:

  1. Indicate whether the workshop will be geared towards: (A) DBER skills or (B) Evidence-based teaching skills (or both if applicable)

  2. Workshop title

  3. Authors/Presenters and qualification statements (up to 200 words): Provide a short biography for each facilitator, describing their experience and expertise relevant to the proposed workshop.

  4. Workshop abstract (up to 400 words)

A. Outline the overall goal(s) (including expected product) of your workshop.

B. Provide an overview of the main topic.

C. What will your general approach to maintain engagement of your participants?

  1. Participant outcomes: List up to 5 tangible outcomes that participants will bring back to their institution

  2. Timeline/Description of activities (up to 400 words): Be sure to explain how the workshop will actively engage participants. This component is critical. Workshops are not intended to be extended talks and should involve participant activities for the majority of the session.

To ensure that workshops align with the goals/format of the SABER West meeting, it is also possible that the planning committee will contact you following submission with suggestions regarding means to maximize the effectiveness of your proposed workshop. Feel free to reach out to Brian Sato (bsato@uci.edu) with questions.