Friday Workshops

Friday Workshops are optional and may have an extra cost. Registration occurs through the meeting registration form (see Registration tab), payment will occur with your registration payment.

Friday workshop attendees are responsible for arranging their own transportation to the UCI campus. If you are staying at the conference hotel, they have a free shuttle (depending on availability). A trip to campus using Uber or Lyft is in the $10 range. For those driving, a one day parking pass costs $13. Workshop location and the relevant parking lot(s) will be provided by your workshop facilitators closer to the meeting date.

CourseSource Writing Studio Workshop: Developing your innovative classroom activities for publication in CourseSource

Presenter: Erin Vinson

Cost: Free

Prospective applicants must apply to be accepted for this workshop at the following link. Applications must be submitted no later than December 13th.

9:00am-4:00pm Breakfast and Lunch Provided

CourseSource is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that publishes tested, evidence-based undergraduate biology activities. The articles include details in a format, style, and voice that supports replicability. Publishing activities in CourseSource provides authors with recognition of the creativity, experience, and time needed to develop effective classroom materials, while also supporting the dissemination of evidence-based teaching practices. Authors can list CourseSource articles in the peer-reviewed publication section of their curriculum vitae and use them as evidence for excellence in teaching.

In this workshop, we will help prospective CourseSource authors learn about the journal and submission guidelines. We will guide participants through each section of a CourseSource manuscript and provide helpful hints. Prospective authors will have time to work in small groups on manuscript ideas, receive feedback from peers, and ask questions of the editorial staff. Participants will work through a manuscript planning worksheet including all the components of a CourseSource Lesson article: learning goals, introduction, scientific teaching themes, lesson plan, supporting materials, and teaching discussion

We will also explore how current and future CourseSource authors can highlight their publications in job applications, teaching philosophy statements, and tenure and promotion documents. We will share how journal metrics such as number of views and downloads can be highlighted and collaborations with co-authors can provide evidence for institutional change. Finally, we will highlight examples of how authors can publish articles in education research journals such as Life Sciences Education and the corresponding instructional materials (e.g., clicker questions, lesson plans, web tools) in CourseSource.

Statistical Thinking for the Analysis of Education Data

Presenter: Kameryn Denaro

Cost: $35

12:00pm-4:00pm Lunch and afternoon coffee provided

The Education Research Initiative invites you to participate in a workshop, “Statistical Thinking for the Analysis of Education Data” at SABER West 2022. The purpose of the workshop is to assist faculty, research staff, graduate students, and postdocs who already have some familiarity with statistics to learn how to select analyses that correspond with their research questions and develop a framework to carry out exploratory data analysis and analyze their data. Participants will have a chance to present their education research projects and get peer feedback related to their research. Participants are encouraged to bring projects that are at any stage to discuss.

This workshop aims to support statistical thinking for the analysis of education data. The workshop will also be of interest to those practitioners and scholars who would like to improve their ability to identify appropriate analyses that support their research questions. Participants will receive support for identifying appropriate statistical models as well as learn the importance of descriptive statistics and exploratory data analysis.

The workshop will feature a group coaching session as well as group discussions covering the following topics:

  • Identifying analyses that correspond with your education research questions

  • Describing your data and performing exploratory data analysis

  • Interpreting regression coefficients

  • Navigating different statistical methodology (linear regression, logistic regression, linear mixed effects models)

  • Reproducible research (Chapter 17 of Statistical Thinking for the 21st Century)

This workshop will leverage material from the following textbook:

Statistical Thinking for the 21st Century

Russell A. Poldrack