Examples of Submissions

What are we looking for in a submission?

In the form you will be asked to submit:

  • Your name*

  • Your age

  • A photo/drawing symbolizing your narrative or location of your narrative**

  • A small description of your picture's meaning: Where is it? What happened here that is important to you and your identity?

*If you are uncomfortable sharing your name, you may opt to identify yourself with either initials or "anonymous"

**When submitting a photo that includes other people, please make sure to get their permission to share the photo or cover/crop them out.


Caption: My backyard from the story.

E.S. 21, Huntington Beach, CA

"The backyard where I told my best friend about my first queer crush."

Anonymous 22, Costa Mesa, CA

"The first time I went to the fair with my partner and they won me a stuffed animal. I was a little nervous about potentially encountering a hate crime, but luckily everything went well and we had a lot of fun!"

Caption: A photo of my partner holding our stuffed pig, Speckles, right after they won the carnival game. I cropped them out for privacy reasons.