Color Block Guide

Color Blocks

As submissions started to trickle in and our team began reviewing we noticed two big components with each story. First, the existence of recurring themes and second, the differing emotions each story may invoke. We decided to assign a color marker for each story, in an effort to design this digital space to better serve the community who observe the map. Below are the colors a story may identify with or signify a general theme. Our hope is that these color blocks function to identify stories that may bring unwanted reminders of harm or negative emotions that people do not want to re-experience. We also acknowledge that some of these stories may have multiple themes, but our map only allows for one color marker at a time. Please review markers below before going through the map.

Stories of Joy

Stories with themes of hope, fun times, happiness, excitement, ect.

Stories of Existing and Being Out

Stories with themes relating to general existence and experiences of being out.

Stories of Harm

This color marker is reserved for stories that contain experiences of being emotionally or physically hurt.

Stories of Love

Stories that display romantic, platonic or familial love.