Making Connections

A Heterotopia in The Parable of the Sower

In between dystopian and utopian fiction, a heterotopia emerges as a style of science fiction that simply mirrors our reality, yet it's radically different and jarring from how we know it as. This version of a different world that deviates one from our present is what causes cognitive estrangement, a key concept in science fiction. Speculative narratives are spurred on by disasters and catastrophes, whether it is geographically, environmentally, or in regards to society, and they often address the problem with resolutions that are unlikely to happen in society today. Although stories can be purely imaginative, these fictional narratives can still provide valuable insight into real-world problems and think about issues in social life today, like how science fiction can illuminate truths or aspects of the present. It inspires and influences people to actively solve these problems in the present before they exacerbate in the future. Especially inThe Parable of the Sower, the speculative narrative of the book is highlighted through Lauren's belief system of Godseed. The book reflects her journey and combat to create an ideal future away from the drugs that have upended the people and her community.

Speculative narratives in marvel movies

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is created by Marvel Studios, an American movie/media franchise, and it's set in an alternative reality, or speculative narrative, of superheroes. The MCU is a heterotopia; ordinary people are turned into superheroes with otherworldly abilities through experiments such as Captain America, Hulk, Spiderman, and Iron Man. However, the universe is comprised of numerous timelines, sometimes parallel worlds, that are often the basis of many Marvel movie plots. Although each main superhero has their own respective movie(s), their storylines often collide with those of other superheroes depending on which timeline they are based in. The complexities of these interwoven storylines are what appeals Marvel's audience and me to make theories, attempt at drawing connections between different hero movies, understand each movie's end credit scenes, and be thoroughly engaged with Marvel movies.

Samples of Marvel Comic strips from Vulture and The Cartoonist


Click on the Spotify icon for the "pov: you're the main character" playlist!

Released in February 2018, Black Panther was a game-changer in the Hollywood superhero movie scene. As the first movie within the cinematic universe of Marvel with a fully BIPOC cast, the movie depicts African and Black heritage in the clothing the actors wear, the architecture of Wakanda, the king rituals, the languages the Wakandans speak, as well as the African-style influenced movie soundtracks sung by BIPOC music artists. Whether critics have pointed out such aspects of the movie as cultural appropriation, it still holds power in representing BIPOC actors and actress in the American movie industry.

The existence of the African country Wakanda draws inspiration from the concept of afrofuturism. Afrofuturism serves to address how science fiction has been written by predominantly white European males and pose questions on discrimination and systemic racism towards BIPOC people. In terms of Wakanda as a place plentiful of a source called vibranium, other countries with major economic power vie over this technology-enhancing source in their neoliberal society. Wakanda is portrayed as a world superpower all when in reality, the majority of African countries are considered as third-world countries. The nation's success is also attributed to the fact that Wakanda has been neither conquered nor colonized by other countries in the speculative narrative of Black Panther, reimagining a world while reflecting on historical events and exploring fictional alternatives.


Cast Representation

Depiction of Heritage

Wakanda [Heterotopia]

The first scene in Black Panther where Wakanda is revealed

Prince T'Challa's King Ceremony where African heritage and rituals are showcased