
Helping others is part of being a Kappa Sigma. Brothers spend thousands of hours working in their communities and raise thousands of dollars for worthy causes each year. From organizing park clean-ups to serving as Big Brothers to organizing charity rock concerts, Kappa Sigmas work hard for their causes. College is fun, but only service gives you the great feeling of knowing you’ve helped someone and made a difference.

Past Service Opportunities

The Theta-Eta Chapter, with support from a local business, Techtronic Fix, honored the men and women of our Department of Public Safety by providing lunch for them.

An open letter to the UA Little Rock Department of Public Safety:

I, on behalf of the UA Little Rock Chapter of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity, would like to take this opportunity to show our gratitude for your service to this University and to the City of Little Rock.

In 2002, one year after the tragic events of September 11, 2001, a nonprofit known as 9/11 Day made a concerted effort to establish a day for honoring victims. They released a video campaign, with one major goal: to settle the hateful thoughts, and focus on doing at least one good deed on September 11 to honor the victims and the responders.

In 2009, the United States Congress declared 9/11 a “National Day of Service and Remembrance” and the goal was set that acts of volunteer work be performed in large capacity nationwide.

In 2017, President Trump proclaimed that 9/11 would be a “Patriot Day”, to “commemorate the heroes who lost their lives saving others” and “rededicate ourselves to the ideals that define our country and unite us as one”.

We as a Fraternity Chapter sincerely hope that each of you understands the gratitude we feel toward you. Although I know that most people in the Department were not anywhere near New York on that fateful day, I am confident that you fine men and women would do no less in such an event.

Thank you for your service and your unselfish dedication to the values of your department, your university, and your country. You are what make us great.


Chris S.

President, Theta Eta Chapter

Chris Stephens (President, ΚΣ), Rami Dajani (Owner, Techtronic Fix), Xavier Price (Secretary, ΚΣ)

Members of Kappa Sigma, the UALR DPS, and a representative of Techtronic Fix

Chief of UALR Police Regina Wade-Carter pictured with Kappa Sigma President Chris Stephens

Keep Little Rock Beautiful: Adopt-a-Street Campaign

This in an opportunity to help beautify the city by volunteering to pick up litter and trash on selected streets. Volunteers and groups identify a street (3-7 blocks or more) and pick up litter and trash at least 6 times per year. The Theta-Eta Chapter chose to adopt four blocks of W. 32nd Street and cleans up the street periodically.