
Kendra is in her late 20s/early 30s. Diane has poured for her and her children 5 times. The first time Kendra had her wax pourn, it was out of curiosity. She saw a sign at a local store that sells gems and such that they were having a wax healer in. Diane poured for her 3 times and for her two young children (3 times for her, once for each of the children). Now, Diane mostly pours to help with Kendra's son’s nightmares. Diane has come to her house 4 times. Kendra believes in what is happening because it has helped her and her family.

Her aunt had passed away suddenly and it came out in the wax with a message from her aunt that she was sorry. Her daughter had an earache and Diane was at her home pouring for her son. She poured for her daughter and the wax came out in the shape of an ear and when Diane poked it, it exploded and pussed out. Julia, her daughter had instant relief (told to me by Julia as well). This situation is unexplained by Diane- it surprised her as well. Another time, Kendra's husband was having back troubles and Diane poured for him and did energy healing on him too, to channel healing, and it really helped him. The wax came out in the shape of bone and muscle. Diane brings angel cards and crystals for the kids

Kendra believes this is the work of God and messages from him. "You need to be open to receiving the messages from God. You need believe and be open". The beeswax is the most important part for her, because it is a symbol of Ukrainian and religious nature. Visual symbols such as a Ukrainian cloth and “pot and knife like her baba used to have” are really important for her.