Mrs. N.D. and Mr. B.D.

Mrs. N.D. and Mr. B.D. both visit Jean from time to time. Mrs. N.D. is Mr. B.D.'s mother. Her mother used to pour wax up until the 1980s. Her mother learned to pour from mother-in-law in Ukraine. Mrs. N.D. has done the wax ceremony a few times, but says “it’s not [her] thing.” They believe you have to be the oldest or the youngest born to do it. Jean also says you shouldn't do it for anyone younger than you. Jean is taking a chance when she pours from Mrs. N.D., but she has a cross to protect her. Mrs. N.D.'s mother had an amulet for protection around her neck. Mr. B.D says that you’re taking what has scared a person upon yourself, so when you’re older you can take it. Since Mrs. N.D.'s mother passed away she has been to several people, but now Jean is the only person they know of. Jean has helped family with ”mental” stuff and it takes several pourings to fix. Mr. B.D. thinks maybe anxiety and depression can be helped by the wax ceremony. Mr. B.D. says the reading of the wax is on the side, and it’s the actual ceremony and the prayers that is the important part. He sees shapes in the wax that make sense.

Mrs. N.D. and Mr. B.D. say you have to really believe in the ceremony for it to work. You have to really, really believe in it for it to work, the person you’re doing it for. The ceremony works only with God! “Only if we are Christian and we believe only God can help us”