TJ and Gail

As a child, TJ went to wax pourer known as Mrs. J.T., because a family member told his mom to take his sister and him. He’s not sure where his Baba heard about this from. He’s gone several times as a child and twice as an adult and he plans to go again. As a child he went for night terrors, no he just goes if he feels the need to or if something is really bothering him. He know goes to Jean. He says Jean is very accurate in her wax readings and has even pulled out stuff he’s never told anyone before. He doesn’t know why but it comes out in the wax and it really works for him. His Ukrainian friends talk about it with him, because most of them have gone to a wax healer themselves. His non-Ukrainian friends are skeptical and try to debunk it. He’s read the Word and Wax but this hasn’t changed his experience at all, but has only helped him understand the cultural and spiritual aspect.

TJ describes the ceremony as very relaxing. It’s not awkward like when you go to a doctor’s office and just sit there waiting for the doctor to come in. It's more like a friend you’ve known for a while and this makes you more relaxed. TJ said “I think the healing powers of it is what's most important and having things that I'm a boy, we don't talk about feelings that much. So having a chance to bring the feelings or what's bothering you out to the open and deal with them. However, it works and then getting rid of it. It's, I think, the most important part of the whole ceremony”.

TJ's mother, Gail has taken her children and husband to a wax pourer. She first heard about the wax ceremony from her aunt. Her daughter was 10 and deathly afraid of any flying insects. Her aunt said“We’ll take her to a baba but you gotta be quiet it's kinda secret.” It showed lots of amazingly accurate things in the wax, considering the wax pourer didn’t know her before. The wax showed a really big insect in it and after her daughter was fine. Her husband, daughter and son have all gone, but she’s never had it done herself. She wants to go she just hasn’t had things bother her as much as the kids have, but eventually she will go.

She describes the experience as amazing and thinks it’s "hush hush", because its dealing with things that can’t be explained. If you believe in it it will work. She thinks there is energy in everything and some people know how to use the energies. Gail has different stones that work for her. She says she doesn’t know why it works ,but it does. She has done non Slavic healing and it works too. She goes to a lady that does Reiki and deals in past lives, it's very spiritual. This lady gives her direction and she’s able to fix things.