The profile of a white horse standing in an arched entryway while a knight stands behind, wearing an ornate helmet resembling moth wings and holding a long axe.

The Small Horse, 1505

Ink on paper; engraving

Albrecht Dürer

Born Nuremberg, Bavaria, Germany, 1471Died Nuremberg, Bavaria, Germany, 1528
University of Alberta Museums Art CollectionUniversity of Alberta Museums1985.45.2
Lowercase I in a black picture frame that links to this work of art on the UAlberta Museums Search Site.

Albrecht Dürer was a Renaissance period artist, master printmaker, painter, and writer. He was the official court artist to Holy Roman Emperors Maximilian I and his successor Charles V. With his ability to produce detailed imagery and illustrating subtle tonal variations in his images, Dürer is often credited for elevating printmaking to an art form.

The Small Horse is also a small print. However the details of line, thatching, and architectural background speak to Dürer’s attention and abilities to render scale, and depict perspective and proportions. A favourite subject matter for Dürer, The Small Horse is one of the oldest prints in the University of Alberta Museums Art Collection.