Training Routes

Training Routes

Residents initially complete 3 years post-graduate (post MD) training in  Internal Medicine, matching to Occupational Medicine at the end of PGY3. Sub-specialty training in Occupational Medicine requires a further 2 years of training.

An alternative route would be a resident-in-training in Public Health and Preventive Medicine.    After such a program, the resident will typically require 1 - 2 years more of training. 

PGY-4 - combines academic courses in clinical occupational medicine, occupational hygiene, toxicology, epidemiology, and biostatistics with clinical work at the University of Alberta Hospital Occupational and Environmental Medicine Clinic over a period of 8 months. The remainder of the year is spent in rotating field placements.

PGY-5 - field placements in industrial or governmental agencies. Typical field placements are:

Adequate elective time is included, allowing residents to pursue a specific interest within the field of occupational medicine. In addition, all residents attend a weekly academic half day.