Week 15

Last week was my last week at Sony. Along with myself there were a few other people leaving and a few people joining. To celebrate, the company threw a big party. It was a great time with good people, good food, and pitchers of wine.

It was wonderful to with people who were talented researchers and great friends and I look forward to when our paths may cross again.

My coworkers gave me an experience in Tokyo I don't think I would have gotten by just traveling on my own and I owe the last few months of interesting work, great conversation and vacation recommendations to them.

As it was my last week at Sony, I had to pack up all of my stuff from my apartment and leave some other things, including my chairs and my growing collection of Japanese fridge magnet advertisements, what a shame.

It was my last week in Sony but it wasn't my last week in Japan. Sarah was on her way to meet me and we were going to have a 2 week vacation in Japan to relax before the coming semester.

So after packing my stuff up I headed towards our rented accommodations. On the way there, I passed by a festival.

The festival had food vendors, toys, music, and a talent show. Many people were in kimonos and there were many families with cute little kids in little kimonos. The cheesy crab cake crocette were amazing.

The next day Sarah showed up! :)

We met at the airport with a romantic kiss and it was awesome. Just saying.

That evening we had hotpot at a restaraunt where just outside the festival continued on the then Sunday.

The next morning, we went for a jog and found some stretch equipment at a park to stretch us out. So far, my vacation has been pretty great and I'm looking forward to the next couple weeks of it.