Week 12

Last week in Tokyo was a very thrilling week, I found this cute little gecko in the lobby of my apartment and helped him get outside before going to work.

Then on the way to work I found something I didn't previously know about Japan: Did you know that Japan has tarantulas? I didn't until I saw one climb over a fence then just chill on the side next to me. I stopped and stared at it before quickly walking away saying "Nope nope nope nope nope nope ...." all the way to work. It took a few days for me to not look under every bush I passed and realize that if only saw one in a span of 12 weeks, it probably isn't something to worry about.

After work on Thursday, some coworkers and I went to a restaurant to have Motsu nabe which came out as veggies and tripe in a steel bowl filled with broth. The bowl was placed on a hot plate on our table and cooked while we chatted about weekend plans. I smelled amazing and tasted even better with an interesting texture.

On Sunday, I headed out to the Narita airport to head to London, once again enjoying the Tokyo scenery along the way. The wide open green rice fields are always such a stark contrast to the winding neon-lit streets and train lines that one becomes used to.

At the airport, I picked up some trinkets for the friends I would be seeing in London and saw the display of toys from a very popular Japanese movie, "Spirited Away". Everything was super cute.

After a 13 hour flight, stopping briefly in Copenhagen for some pastries, I landed in London. I met up with some lab mates from Alberta and crashed in the hotel.

The hotel we booked is named after a nearby train station called "St. James", which as my memory of Monopoly serves me, is an orange property but honestly, everything has been really nice. More of a Marvin Gardens, if you will.

In the morning, we went out to look for food on the way to the conference and found a nearby sandwich shop with a mouthwatering selection.

Arriving at the conference hall, we saw that it is located between several popular British monuments including Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, and Westminster Abby which is right across the street from the conference.

I am in London for the entire week and am looking forward to seeing more of the sights.

Until next time have a good one, or as they say in Britain "Have a good one". Such a peculiar culture.