Week 10

This week was the last week of one of my coworkers. To celebrate, my entire team went out to a Korean restaurant. Because we had a large group, the servers brought out every dish they had, and it was great. Many dishes were spicy as well which was awesome because I had been craving some spicy food for quite a while.

During the dinner we had interesting conversations about Japan, its aging population, and how artificial intelligence might be applied to help with assisting the elderly.

We had these conversations over Japanese beer but also Korean beer, which tasted like a surprisingly good mixture of a beer and milk. I actually preferred it to the Japanese beer that I was having as well. I recommend it.

However, with Canada Day fast approaching, I was really craving a ceaser. So after work on Friday, walked to a much further but larger grocery store than where I usually go to so that I could hopefully find the ingredients.

The store was definitely bigger which was clearly evident from their entire section of Pocky.

The store also sold octopus and little squids. Although I don't really care for either of these, seeing them in packages in a store made it more appetizing because it looked so fresh.

I did find a some giant shrimp and absolutely bought that. Like look at the size of those things!

In addition to the wide selection of seafood, I also found a large section of sake (the picture is one part of the entire isle for sake). But I would to point out that the 1.8L bottle of sake on the bottom is about $10 CAD!

In the end, I did not find any Clamato for my ceaser, but I was desperate you see, so I improvised. I bought some tomato juice, some tabasco, and a can of clams.

Now don't get me wrong, it was the worst ceaser I had ever had. But it was also the best ceasar I had had in months so I was almost as happy/proud as this guy who is running for some political office (I think). Plus the clams were really good. I'll probably buy some more in the future, but for their meat and not their clam juice.

Although my palpable ceaser made me feel a bit closer to home, I stepped it up a knotch and went to a Canada Day celebration party put on the the Tokyo Canadian Club. It was really good and I enjoyed myself the actual ceasars and cider. They also had poutine, ketchup chips, and a pretty awesome Tragically Hip cover band.

At the party, I met many fellow Canadians, most were on vacation but a few on business. We talked about where we had been to and what we had left to see on the ever growing list of "Things to see while in Japan". I also met a woman who lived in the small mining town in northern BC where my mom grew up and knew my mom. The infinitesimal probability of us meeting at a bar on Canada day, in Tokyo, on the 150th Canada Day kind of short-circuited my brain as I tried to calculate the astronomical odds. In the end I concluded that although I am on the other side of the globe, its apparently a very small world, and that makes me feel a bit closer to home. Have a safe and happy Canada Day.