Week 14

After grueling hours at work, preparing a final presentation of my internship, I opted to go for longer walks to enjoy the fresh, but still incredibly humid, air. On these walks, I often grab a drink from a nearby vending machine (FYI There is always a vending machine nearby in Tokyo). One of the 3 machines outside my building has a bubble tea which is tasty and refreshing. Its a change of taste compared to the gallons of water I need in order to survive the humid Tokyo summer.

On every walk from my house, I pass a preschool. The kids are adorable and its something which brightens every one of my mornings. Also, there is a sign just outside the preschool which has a pretty convincing Charlie Brown character which I find pretty funny.

A few of my more adventurous walks have taken me back to Akihabra, a very busy touristy place with tons to see, eat, and buy. Even the department stores are interesting, such as this robot section. I know, a robot section. And these aren't some hobby robots, either, someone could do some serious tinkering with these things. This one is about $3000 CAD.

Later I found my way into an actual hobby shop although I should say hobby mall because it was 8 floors of everything hobby related such as collectables like Sailor Moon figurines, to Pokemon cards, to (I'm not joking) tiny model pastries.

Rather than take all of the time to explain everything that was on every floor of this massive hobby shop, here is a time lapse of starting from the top floor and exploring each floor on the way down. If it looks intimidating, I want you to keep in mind that this hobby mall is one of 7 on that block of Akihabara alone.

Enjoy :)