
Cheryl is a regular contributor to webinars and workshops on campus and globally. Most recently she has offered workshops for the Mixed Methods International Research Association, American Educational Research Association, International Institute of Qualitative Methodology, Qualitative Research Summer Intensive, Laurier Summer Institute for Research Methods and at a National Teaching Conference in Norway, and for the Centre for Teaching and Learning at the University of Alberta. Please contact me for a list of upcoming workshops. The following are examples of recently offered workshops.

Comparing Five Qualitative Research Approaches: Exploring differences and similarities across study designs and procedures

This session prepares participants for choosing a qualitative approach that best fits their study purpose. Together we will explore the designs and procedures inherent to five qualitative research approaches: narrative research, phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography, and case study. The session will be organized around four key questions: What are the origins and defining features of each approach, what types and methods are associated with each approach, what data analysis and writing structures are commonly used for each approach, and what challenges and ethical considerations are likely encountered for each approach? Participants are encouraged to bring study ideas that they can explore during the interactive workshop. Participants are also encouraged to attend fundamentals in qualitative research and more advanced workshops specific to one of the approaches.

Using Case Studies in Qualitative Research: A Primer

With a focus on the topic of case study research, this workshop is intended to provide an introductory overview of the approach spanning planning considerations to conducting procedures. Case studies have a rich history spanning disciplines as a strategy of inquiry, a methodology, and a research method. This session will be organized around three key questions: What are the defining features of a case study? What must be considered when planning case study (or multi-case) research? What are the procedures for conducting a case study (or multi-case study)? Various hands-on activities will be incorporated into the workshop with the aim that participants gain not only a theoretical but also a practical understanding of doing case study research. Participants are encouraged to bring ideas for case studies that they can explore during the interactive workshop. Opportunities for applying their own areas of interest and/or projects to discuss in small groups will be embedded.

Qualitative Analysis Bootcamp: Practical Guidance for Beginning Your Analysis

With a focus on an overview of the process of qualitative data analysis and general introduction to qualitative data analysis software. This session is aimed at unpacking the process of qualitative data analysis and providing practical guidance because analyzing text and multiple other forms of data presents a challenge for qualitative researchers. The process of analysis spans managing and organizing the data, reading and memoing emergent ideas, describing and classifying codes and themes, developing and assessing interpretations, and representing and visualizing the data. This session is organized around the following questions: How can the overall data analysis be conceptualized as a spiral and what are the key decision points? What are some issues that should be anticipated and how might they be mitigated? What does qualitative data analysis software offer and how do the programs differ? Participants are advised this is an interactive workshop. Participants are also encouraged to attend fundamentals in qualitative research and/or coding and software workshops.

Introducing and Unpacking the Design Process of Mixed Methods Research: Fundamentals of the Field and Approach

With a focus on introducing those with little or no knowledge of mixed methods research to the field, this session develops a conceptual foundation of how to design and convey a mixed methods research study plan in any discipline. The practice of engaging in designing and conveying mixed methods research studies requires specific knowledge and skills within the field. This session will situate the field of mixed methods and introduce the concept of methodological congruence and what it means for enhancing rigour within mixed methods research. We will then unpack the design process to illuminate key decision points related to the point(s) of interface for qualitative and quantitative types of data. We will discover how these decisions either correlate with existing mixed methods design or lead to new designs. In the afternoon we will engage in the process of designing a mixed methods study in small groups. Finally, we will outline writing structures for successful research proposals and engage in discussion about effective strategies for defending the design to those new (or not!) to mixed methods research. Participants are encouraged to bring ideas for mixed methods studies that they can explore during the workshop and build upon existing knowledge of qualitative and quantitative research designing processes. Opportunities for applying their own areas of interest and/or projects will be embedded. Participants are also encouraged to attend the Managing and Communicating Mixed Methods Research workshop.

Managing and Communicating Mixed Methods Research: Advanced Practice

With a focus on advancing the knowledge and skills of those with some familiarity and/or experience with mixed methods research, this session develops a conceptual foundation of how to manage and communicate a mixed methods research study in any discipline. The practice of engaging in managing and communicating mixed methods research studies requires specific knowledge and skills in data procedures and writing structures. This session will unpack the process of managing mixed methods research process and provide practical guidance for identifying opportunities for presenting and publishing research outcomes. The session is organized around the following questions: How can the overall data procedures be conceptualized and what are the key decision points? What are common pitfalls that should be anticipated and how might these be mitigated? What are the criteria for evaluating quality in mixed methods research manuscripts and how are these different/similar to qualitative and quantitative research? Participants are encouraged to bring ideas and/or current mixed methods studies that can be developed during the workshop as practical opportunities for applying their emerging understandings will be embedded. Some familiarity with mixed methods research is required and participants are encouraged to have attended the Introducing and Unpacking the Design Process of Mixed Methods Research Workshop or equivalent other experience.

Webinars Available

Massive Online Open Modules with the Mixed Methods International Research Association available at

Complexity in Mixed Methods Research

Ethics in Mixed Methods Research

Open-access webinars with the Mixed Methods International Research Association and International Institute for Qualitative Methodology available at

Poth, C., Creamer, E., & Collins, K. (2019, October). Teaching and Learning Mixed Methods Research.

Poth, C. (2017, November). Mixed Methods Research Complexity: Dilemmas and Opportunities.

Poth, C., & Onwuegbuzie, A. (2016, February). How mixed methods informs and enhances qualitative research.