
Cheryl’s is active in the scholarship of teaching and her approach is continually being shaped by her experiences as a learner and instructor, as well as by her beliefs and research related to what facilitates learning. She views teaching and learning as complex and synergistic processes among the learner, the instructor, the context, and the ideas. She supports learners as they progressively develop competence across diverse areas of professional practice including (but not limited to) teachers, counsellors, psychologists, physicians, researchers, and evaluators. Her commitment and efforts were recognized with the University of Alberta Provost’s Award for Early Achievement of Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching in 2013 and a McCalla Professorship (2020-22).

Courses Taught

Cheryl’s campus-based course offerings span four areas: mixed methods, program evaluation, research design, and classroom assessment. Please see University of Alberta calendar for description and beartracks for upcoming course offerings.

EDPY 604 Mixed Methods Research is a doctoral course offered every second year with the aim of introducing course participants to the knowledge and skills required for undertaking a mixed methods study. This course embeds practical applications of the methods research-specific competencies and draws upon background coursework and/or experiences with qualitative and quantitative research data and methods.

EDPY 615 Program Evaluation is a doctoral course offered every fall (and on occasion in winter term) with the aim of introducing course participants to the complexity of social and program evaluation as a consultative process. This course embeds a community service component to provide practical application of the evaluation design process.

EDPY 501 Introduction to Methods of Educational Research is a required masters course within many of our departmental programs. It is offered most terms with the aim of introducing course participants to the decisions and processes involved in educational research. This course embeds a practical component and works towards producing a research proposal in the area of interest of the course participant.

EDPY 303 Educational Assessment is a required undergraduate course within our teacher education program and is multiple sections are offered on campus both fall and winter terms. Collaborative programs also offer off-campus options. This course bridges theory to practice with a focus on introducing pre-service teachers to the current assessment practices.