
Much research and evaluation take place under conditions of complexity; yet, too often researchers and evaluators attempt to reduce, control, or simply ignore the effects of complexity rather than revisiting underlying assumptions and adapting their practices. During the past decade at the University of Alberta, my collaborations with professional associations, community organizations, students, clinicians, teachers, and academics have examined a range of issues concerned with enhancing capacity for impactful research and evaluation across diverse contexts under conditions of varying complexity. Complex conditions require adaptive responses to changing circumstances. Working under these conditions is challenging because of the lack of predictable outcomes and established pathways for generating solutions. My work integrates across the disciplines of education, psychology, and health sciences related to four areas of interests: qualitative research, mixed methods research, educational assessment, and program evaluation. This work originated in my Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)-funded doctoral study focused on assessing the impact of innovative training for inter-professional teams aimed at enhancing health service delivery (Poth & Shulha, 2008).  To date, I have been awarded over $4 648 691 in external funding for research and evaluation– including 9 as the principal investigator and 30 as a co-investigator and over $335 315 – including 12 as the principal Investigator and 5 as a co-investigator. I enjoy working with others across institutions including as Research Fellow at the University of South Africa, within the Faculty of Education as the Coutts Clarke Research Fellowship, as a Helen Glass Scholar for the College of Nursing, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Manitoba, and currently as a MERIT (McMaster Education Research, Innovation and Theory Program) visiting professorship serving the Faculty of Health Sciences at McMaster University.

Current External Research Funding (Selected)

 Past Research Funding (Selected)