About Me

Cheryl N. Poth, PhD, is an award-winning instructor and textbook author. She joined the University of Alberta in 2008 as a faculty member of the Centre for Research and Applied Measurement and Evaluation within the Faculty of Education. In this role, she has developed and taught graduate-level research methods and program evaluation courses in addition to supervising and mentoring students, faculty, and community members in qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research. Dr. Poth is a MERIT Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Health Sciences (McMaster University, 2023-2025) and had held appointments as an adjunct in the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry (University of Alberta, 2010-2019), as the Helen Glass Scholar in the College of Nursing, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences (University of Manitoba, 2022-2023), and as a UNISA Research Fellow (University of South Africa, 2018-2020). She serves as the methodologist on several interdisciplinary research teams. She has been principal investigator for projects and grants funded federally (e.g., Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council and Physiotherapy Foundation of Canada), provincially (e.g., Alberta Education, Policywise and Alberta Advisory Committee for Educational Studies), and locally (e.g., University of Alberta and School Boards). Cheryl’s career as an educator and evaluator spans more than two decades working with partner communities across diverse contexts both internationally and across Canada.

Across her projects, she collaborates with graduate students, clinicians, teachers, and academics, implement qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research designs, and have disseminate research to participants, scholars, and practitioners using a variety of methods (e.g., papers, presentations, and websites). Importantly, her project findings contribute to developments in the fields of mixed method research, program evaluation, qualitative research, and assessment. In 2016, she was an elected as the fourth president of the Mixed Methods International Research Association (MMIRA) and is active in the Mixed Methods groups within her other professional associations (e.g., American Educational Research Association and American Evaluation Association) and served as an advisory board member of the International Institute of Qualitative Methods. She co-authored the 5th edition (in press for release January 2024) having joined John Creswell on the 4th edition of Qualitative Inquiry & Research Design which was conferred the Sage Author Cornerstone Award and 2018 McGuffey Longevity Award from the Textbook & Academic Authors Association. Her first sole authored book, Innovation in Mixed Methods Research: Guiding Practices for Integrative Thinking with Complexity was published in 2018 from Sage Publications (UK) and was awarded the Most Promising New Textbook Award from the Textbook & Academic Authors Association in 2020. She served as editor of the SAGE Handbook of Mixed Methods Research Design (2023) involving 80 contributors across 16 countries. Her second sole-authored book Research Ethics (2021, SAGE) is aimed at undergraduate learners. Two books are in preparation and under contract; the first, focused on Mixed Methods Research Competencies (anticipated, 2024) and the 2nd edition of the Innovation in Mixed Methods Research: Guiding Practices for Integrative Thinking with Complexity (anticipated, 2025). In addition, she has authored over 50 peer reviewed journal articles and served as guest co-editor of three special issues focused on mixed methods research in the International Journal of Qualitative Methods (2015; 2016) and Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation (2022). She is currently an associate editor for the Journal of Mixed Methods Research and editorial board members of the International Journal of Qualitative Methods and Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation. She strives to model lifelong learning and enjoys creating situations in which learning occurs about mixed methods research. In 2013, she was recognized with the University of Alberta’s Provost’s Award for Early Achievement of Excellence in teaching and a McCalla Professorship in 2020. Her leadership in the field of mixed methods research was recognized with the 2023 Division D Significant Contributions to Research Methodology Award by the American Educational Research Association in the area of Multi and Mixed Methodology.

Affiliations (Current)

·   Centre for Research in Applied Measurement and Evaluation: CRAME (www.crame.ualberta.ca) Faculty of Education, University of Alberta , since 2008               

·   Alberta Clinical & Community-Based Evaluation Research Team: ACCERT (www.accert.ualberta.ca Faculty of Education, University of Alberta, since 2009                 

·   Women & Children’s Health Research Institute, University of Alberta, since 2023                                                                                                                 

·   Centre for Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education: CMASTE (www.cmaste.ualberta.ca) Faculty of Education, University of Alberta, since 2011                      

·   International Institute of Qualitative Methodology: IIQM (www.ualberta.ca/international-institute-for-qualitative-methodology/index.html), Faculty of Arts, University of Alberta, since 2010