
Congratulations Ademola Itiola!

Congratulations Ademola, on successfully completing your PhD Candidacy Exam, great work!

Congratulations Ademola Itiola!

Congratulations to Ademola on receiving an Alberta Graduate Excellence Scholarship! Way to go Ademola!

8th APERSU End-User Meeting - October 24 & 25, 2024

APERSU is holding its 8th End-User Meeting at Lister Centre in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, October 24 & 25, 2024.

This small conference is for various end-users of PROMs in Alberta to share and learn from others' experience across health settings. This meeting will bring together end-users, health system administrators, clinicians, and policy-makers, as well as academic researchers and PROMs experts. It is an opportunity to explore developments and innovative methods in the field of PROMs in various settings, with a focused theme of improved clinical care. More specifically, we will discuss research and non-research applications of PROMs, identify successes and challenges, and move the conversation beyond implementation to using PROMs data for clinical care.

More information and registration details to come in August 2024.