Primary Care Networks (PCN) Working Group
The Primary Care Network - Working Group (PCN-WG) provides advice and recommendations to Alberta PROMs & EQ-5D Research & Support Unit (APERSU) regarding education, training and support to the Primary Care Networks (PCNs) throughout Alberta. It is a sharing opportunity for PCNs to exchange implementation issues, discuss ground-level conditions, and context-specific details of PRO measurement in primary care.
The group was established in 2019 and meets formally four times per year to discuss PCN and provincial updates, PROMs support for PCNs, data integration and research activities. Members participates in other activities as required.
Current members and affiliations:
North zone
Michel Haener, Executive Director, Grande Prairie PCN
Edmonton zone
Al-Bakir Ali, Data and Evaluation Lead, Edmonton O’day-min PCN
Central zone
Margo Schmitt-Boshnick, Senior Evaluation Lead, Central Zone PCNs
Kara Plotnikoff, Evaluation Lead, Central Zone PCNs
Calgary zone
Kristyn Lines, Evaluation Manager, Calgary Foothills PCN
South zone
Nolan Schaaf, Director Clinical and Quality Improvement, Chinook PCN
Health Quality Council of Alberta
Roland Simon, Lead, Health Systems Analytics
Hector Villarroel-Ocando, Senior Program Advisor, Primary Care Network Operations Unit
Activities and outputs
Multiple poster and oral presentations (ISOQOL, Physician Learning Program, North American Primary Care Research Network, APERSU End-User meeting)