456 Professional Responsibility (Besuijen)


Professional Responsibility


Prerequisite courses:

Prerequisite for:

Instructor(s): Heidi Besuijen

Course credit: 3

Method of presentation: Lecture/seminar

The following description is from the previous instructors of this section (Wachowicz/Wedge). This description will be updated prior to Jan 2022 with Ms. Besuijen's course information.


1. Written Work

(a) Students will be required to prepare a written paper of their own choice. Students are encouraged to develop their own topic.

(b) Papers should be around 20 pages in length.

(c) 64% of the final grade will be based upon the paper.

2. Class Participation

(a) As the avowed purpose of this course is to discuss and debate various professional responsibility issues, class participation is imperative. For each session, all members of the class are to have read the assigned readings and are to be prepared to participate in class. Participation will be noted and evaluated.

(b) 26% of the final grade will be allocated to class participation.

3. In Class Quiz

(a) 10% of the final grade will be based upon an in class quiz that tests the student’s knowledge of the Code of Conduct and related case law.


This course will address the regulation of legal profession and the related concept of a lawyer's professional responsibility. A lawyer is expected to act in a professionally responsible manner, delicately balancing, at times, duties to clients, the state, the courts and his or her profession. In this, a lawyer will be guided by law, the profession's ethical code, prevailing norms of proper practice, professional traditions, and personal ethical standards.

The course will deal critically with a number of matters: the theories of professions; the structure and demographics of the profession, the legal profession as a self-regulating occupation; the solicitor/client relationship and the lawyer's duties arising from that relationship, such as confidentiality and competence; the lawyer's duties to fellow members of the profession; the lawyer's duties to the court; the proper conduct of a lawyer in a number of varied roles such as those of advocate, advisor, negotiator, and prosecutor; and the lawyer’s responsibilities to the public served by the profession; for example, in securing access to justice.

These and many other related issues will be considered and discussed in a lecture/seminar format. The overall objective is to gain a better understanding and appreciation of the legal profession and of the professional obligations of a lawyer as a foundation for proper conduct and practice in the future.


Description updated 2019-20. Please contact the instructor for any specific questions you may have related to this particular course section.

