Welcome Letter

Hello String Players!

Welcome to the Texas Woman's University Virtual Orchestra!

Like many of you, we find ourselves suddenly unable to meet together and rehearse, and we do not know how long this situation will last.

We've decided to take inspiration from Eric Whitacre's Virtual Choir Project, and create a Virtual Orchestra, as a way to make music with one another, and we'd like to invite other musicians to join us!

With so many student musicians, professional musicians, and community orchestra members unable to play with their orchestras, this is an opportunity to make music together from wherever we are while we’re advised to avoid large gatherings.

In setting up the Virtual Orchestra, the two primary goals are (1) to make this experience accessible to as many players as we can, and (2) have it up and available as soon as possible. It is NOT our goal to produce a professional-quality recording or use state-of-the-art technology.

Here at the start of the project, we are beginning with one piece. “Adoration” is a piece by American composer Florence Price, and it’s been beautifully arranged for String Orchestra by Elaine Fine.

We have selected this piece for several reasons. The original work by Price is in the public domain, and the arranger, Elaine Fine, has given her gracious permission to use her gorgeous arrangement. We are hoping to perform this piece at our April concert to give much deserved attention to an American composer who is not widely known. Perhaps by sharing the piece with the world this way we can still achieve that goal.

We hope to include more pieces as we're able to get permission, prepare materials, and post them.

In the meantime - post your videos, and check back periodically. We'll post updates about new pieces, how the compilation process is going along, and answer any questions as they arise.

Take care,

Sam H. Flippin

Orchestra Director - Texas Woman's University