Recording Steps and Tips

Update 3/17/2020: Share your recordings with me at PLEASE DO NOT send your video file as an email attachment. Rather, upload it to YouTube, or Google Drive (best), or Drop Box and email me the link!

Recording Steps:

What you will need (besides your instrument)

  • Two devices

    • Device #1 is for playing the Conductor video (if possible, this should be the device with a headphone jack, and a larger screen)

    • Device #2 is for recording yourself while you play (such as your phone)

  • A pair of headphones (wired headphones are simplest if you have them)

Step 1: (headphones unplugged) - Start recording

Step 2: Hit 'Play' on the conductor video

Step 3: Wait for the two claps to happen, then plug in your headphones and get ready.

Step 4: Play along with conductor video.

Step 5: Post your video! (clarified 3/17/2020) Post it to YouTube, upload to Google Drive (best), or Drop Box, then send a link to Please do not attempt to attach the video file to an email.

Step 6 (optional): Fill out the Participation Form so that we can see who is participating!

NOTE: Hearing the two claps at the start of each video will help whoever edits this to sync all the videos.

Recording Tips:

This process is low tech. We are all using the technology we have at home, without access to our offices and schools. So, please do not worry about perfection, or getting a perfect sound quality. But here are some tips that will help:

Simple Sound Check: Record yourself playing for a few seconds and listen back. Be sure you play your highest/lowest notes in the piece, as well as your loudest and softest dynamic levels. If your device isn't picking up some of your sound - move it closer. If your device is distorting the sound - either move it farther away, or do not play as loudly.

Privacy: I do not know how exactly these will be put together (perhaps somebody who is knowledgeable with software will volunteer to help with that). However, as you post online, please be aware that YouTube is a platform designed to share. If you are under 18: you absolutely must have your parent/guardian's permission before you post anything online.

I would love it if our final video could include actual footage of players playing. However, if you are uncomfortable with being seen online, feel free to face the camera away from you, or record audio only.

Teachers: If you are sharing this with your students as an at-home Orchestra activity - consider having them submit their videos to you through the platform you use, and then sending them to VO2020 using a school account or account that cannot be traced to the student. Please follow all school guidelines if doing this as a school activity, and err on the side of caution.