Virtual Orchestra 2020

Welcome to the TWU Virtual Orchestra! If you heard about this from a teacher, a friend, or a colleague - we're glad you're here.

This is a project that the Texas Woman's University Orchestra has launched as a way to make music together during this time that we're unable to rehearse in person. We want to share this opportunity with as many people as possible.

If you are a string player and interested in being a part of this project, use the buttons on your left to find what you need!

A Note to Participants:

Thank you to everyone for your interest in the first day of this project! As people send suggestions, I am making adjustments to make it as easy to use as possible.

This list of updates is going to lead with the date, so you'll be able to quickly see the changes since your previous visit.


  • Recording Steps now includes contact information to share your recording with the project. Please do not email your file, but rather upload (YouTube, Google Drive, or Drop Box) and email the link!

  • Adoration video - version without piano accompaniment. If the piano was a distraction, or the headphones were making it hard to play, feel free to try without the piano part. Simply mute the video after the claps.

  • Participation form adds option to give email address for any future pieces added to the project.

Professor Gene Moon of California Baptist University demonstrates how he made his video. Music on the iPad, conductor on the laptop (he muted after the two claps) and recording on the phone. Thanks, Dr. Moon!