"Adoration" Price/Fine

Update 3/17/2020 - Share your videos with me at SFlippin1@twu.edu

  • DO NOT send video file as email attachement, instead

  • Upload it somewhere (Google Drive is best, Drop Box and YouTube also work fine) and send me the link!

  • If you want to upload to YouTube, please consider putting "Virtual Orchestra 2020" in the tags so that those who want to can see videos that have been shared with the project.

Adoration parts with bowings and dynamics.pdf

Click here for the parts.

All parts have been marked with bowings, and a few additional dynamics for phrasing purposes.

Record yourself playing your part with this video.

Note: the Piano in the recording just gives a few pedal tones so that everyone has a common tuning reference. The piano is tuned A440.

Plug in your headphones AFTER the two claps, so that we only hear YOU playing on your video.

(Click here to jump to the instructions on how to record your parts).

Apologies for the video quality. I, like everyone else, am using the technologies available. Hopefully, when you see my poor video production skills, it will set your mind at ease about not needing super-polished studio quality work :-)

Same video - without piano

(in case it was distracting, or the headphones were strangling you while you played)