Community Partnerships

Action Item: 

By 2026, the School Library Team will conduct another round of identifying and collaborating with community partners by following the steps outlined below:

Potential collaborations:


As part of the ISTE Course Exploring Future-Ready Librarianship: Practices for the Emerging Leader, both Kristine and Erin went through the process of learning to improve the intentionality and mutual benefit of our community partnerships. The goals and action steps that we create through this process will be based on desired outcomes of our library program. 

Step 1 will be to identify current or potential community partners that fit into one or more of the following categories: Volunteer partner, Funding partner, Industry partners, Project partner, Thought partner, Leadership partner 

Step 2 will be to identify and record our desired outcome(s) for our community partnership(s), and identify which of our current/potential partners would mutually benefit from this partnership. 

Step 3 will be to put together an action plan with/for our community partner(s) and follow through on our plan.