Twin Cities Academy

Course Catalog  


Welcome to our Course Catalog - your one-stop shop to accessing information about Twin Cities Academy course registration and more!

About this catalog

This course catalog was created to help guide you through the course registration process. Included in this catalog is information on course requirements, registration procedures, and course descriptions. Selecting courses is a very important process that should be made only after careful consideration of your abilities, future academic and career goals, and personal interests.

Course Registration Process

Complete the following steps in order to register for classes.

Definition of course terms

Grades: Indicates which grade levels are allowed to register for the course.

Length: Indicates if it is a year-long or semester-only course.

Credit: Indicates how many high school credits will be earned upon successful completion of the course.

Prerequisite: Indicates courses that must have been taken and passed prior to taking the course.  

Schedule Change Procedure

Students will NOT be allowed to change their schedules once they are set unless there are extenuating circumstances. Registration should be taken extremely seriously for this reason. English, Math, Social Studies or Science classes are not electives and will not change.