Vocal Performance

The Vocal Performance Track consists of 4 choirs - Premiere, A Cappella, Show Choir, and Chamber Singers. These ensembles perform a wide range of repertoire including Musical Theatre, World Music, Festival Literature, Masterworks and Popular Music. The award-winning A Cappella Choir and Chamber Singers are the touring choirs of Marcos de Niza.

We affirm that each individual in Vocal Performance is valued as an integral part of our success regardless of their past musical experience. Music is a skill that can be developed by every student. Emphasis will be placed on personal growth and achievement for each singer.

The Marcos de Niza requirements for participation in the Vocal Performance track include an audition, and participation in all required events for the class including rehearsals and performances, and participation in the choir program for four years.

Luke Ottinger

Vocal Performance Director

& Musical Theatre Sponsor


Mr. Ottinger is a 2016 Marcos de Niza alumni. After studying Vocal Performance at SCC, Mr. O pursued a Music Education degree from Arizona State University. While there he studied voice with Dennis Rowland, and Nathan De'Shon Myers and studied choral education with Bart Evans. Mr. O is super excited to be back at Marcos de Niza teaching in the classroom he used to call home. He is excited to bring his sense of hard work and dedication to the program and push these kids to establish a career in music outside of the classroom. He wants students to know that they matter in his classroom, and wants everyone to remember one key phrase, “Everything you want is on the other side of hard!”