In-Hand Manipulation

Welcome to In-Hand Manipulation Skills

What is In-hand Manipulation?

The very important coordination skills a child needs to

correctly hold and control a pencil when writing!

In-Hand Manipulation Tutorial

This tutorial will teach you fun activities to improve the control your hands and fingers have when manipulating small objects.

In-Hand Manipulation Skills

In-Hand Manipulation Activities Handout - English

This handout offers some ideas and suggestions to improve fine motor control with hands and fingers.

In-Hand Manipulation Activities Handout

In-Hand Manipulation Activities Handout - Spanish

This handout offers some ideas and suggestions to improve fine motor control with hands and fingers.

In-Hand Manipulation Activities Handout - Spanish

Materials Needed to Perform In-Hand Manipulation Tasks


(Optional using a foot- long section of dowling)

Coin Bank and Pennies

(Any small container with a slot in the top will work fine)


(Hardware store)

Pickle Picker
