Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago

6045 S Kenwood Ave

Chicago, IL 60637

TTIC occupies the 3rd, 4th and 5th floors of the 6045 S. Kenwood Building.

The building main entrance faces 61st St.

The building has a restricted access bike room in the basement.

TTIC's lobby security officer is named Jerry.

The building achieved LEED Gold for LEED Commercial Interiors v2.0

Building History : 6045 S Kenwood

Illinois Bell

6045 S Kenwood started out as an Illinois Bell switching station, built in 1918.

TTIC moves in!

TTIC moved into the 4th and 5th floors in 2009, six years after its founding.

2021 Renovation

TTIC now occupies the 3rd, 4th, and 5th floors & underwent a total renovation in 2021.

Campus Map
