Parent Communication

Mrs. Stanis’s Fourth Grade Class


I consider us to be partners in your child’s education. Communication is a key part of this partnership. You will receive a weekly newsletter which will keep you current on the activities in the classroom. Please take a few minutes to read emails and newsletters. I will let you know what the children are working on and what we are looking forward to, including information about upcoming events such as field trips and class projects. I hope this will help you and your child to communicate about school and to feel prepared.

You are welcome to contact me at school anytime. Please understand that I am with children during the day and therefore, I cannot accept phone calls. However, please leave a message and I will return your call at the end of the day. You are also welcome to send a note to school or email me at Again, I may not have the opportunity to check my email during the school day, but I will respond when I get a chance. *Please call the office if you need to make same-day dismissal changes.

Your child will also use an assignment notebook in fourth grade. This notebook should go home every day and return to school every morning. The kids will write all homework assignments in this notebook to reference at home. You child is responsible for recording the homework assignments each day and asking a parent to sign or initial the page indicating that the homework is complete. This is also a good place to write a quick note for me if necessary as I will also sign the notebooks at the end of every day.

We will also utilize a “home folder” for transporting homework, graded papers, notes for school, etc. This folder should go home every day and return to school every morning.