Homework Policy


Your child will have homework almost every week. I do not intend for your child to spend more than 30 minutes per evening on homework (other than reading). If you find that your child is working far longer than this to complete the work, please let me know. This is not meant to be a stressful time at home, but a way to help your child to develop good study habits and build responsibility.

Every week, your child will have a packet to be completed by Friday. They will also prepare for a weekly spelling test and reading comprehension test which includes vocabulary words related to the text. Occasionally, your child may have unfinished class work which is sent home to be completed as homework.

Unless otherwise noted, all homework assignments will be given on Monday and are to be completed and returned to school on Friday. This way, your child can work on the homework a little each day, or do homework on nights that are less busy for your family. If your child does not complete the required homework by Friday, he or she will complete the work during the afternoon "brain break".