Teaching Resources

From course audits to tips 'n' tricks for Zoom chat, The Collaborative is working hard to create (and curate) resources to help you with your pedagogical needs and goals for Fall 2021...and beyond!

Table of Contents

This page holds information regarding CELCS' EXL Course Designation.

From evidence-based course (re)design methods to checklists for making sure your course is Moodle-ready, these resources will help you think about your course's overall structure and form.

Whether you are teaching face-to-face or online, these resources offer synchronous and asynchronous instructional methods and activities that will help you teach and facilitate your courses effectively and meaningfully.

These resources provide support for creating courses that demonstrate inclusive teaching practices and for ensuring that students' learning experiences are accessible and equitable.

These resources will help you craft the student engagement and community--with their peers, with you, and with the materials--that is needed for your course (and your students') success.

From transparent assignment design to creating low-stakes assessments, these resources focus on evidence-based methods for assessing and providing feedback on your students' learning.

Whether you are looking for ideas of how to better incorporate technology into your classroom or you are hoping to discover a new app, these resources will help you find the best (and right) tools for you.

Go to The Collaborative's TLEARN page to find recent workshop materials.

Associated Colleges of the South (ACS)

Advancing Pandemic Pedagogies

The ACS ran an Advancing Pandemic Pedagogies series of remote workshops and working groups in June, July, and August 2020. Resources from this series are available.

Workshops: Session recordings and materials from the workshops can be found here.

Working Groups: Final reports from the working groups can be found here.