Crucial Terrain:

Ecological Flourishing, Environmental Justice and Regenerative Culture in the Face of the Climate Crisis

Zoé Strecker

Bingham-Young Professorship 2021- 2023

The climate crisis is existential. We must face it with resolve, creativity, courage, intelligence, resilience, and mutual support. Our response must be driven by social justice and care for all living things. This two-year project aims to give focus, tools and resources to our community at Transylvania and beyond.

The Crucial Terrain Professorship project aims to be intergenerational in reach, cross-disciplinary in structure, and transformational in long-term effect.


  • Programming for the entire campus and for the regional community

See the menu or HERE for Fall 2022 events and HERE for Winter/Spring 2023 events

  • Programming-based course called “IDS 2291: Special Topic Crucial Terrain” for 15 students and 15 other members of the Transylvania community. See the menu or HERE.

  • Faculty Learning Communities each academic year. See HERE for current FLC members and meeting dates

Longer-term goals:

  • To expand the environmental studies minor into a larger and more cross-disciplinary program

  • To develop plans for and formally propose an interdisciplinary academic center for environmental arts and sciences [title TBD] that supports innovation and change-making across boundaries of specialization to address urgent contemporary environmental challenges.