Public Programming

Fall 2021

Crucial Terrain:

Ecological Flourishing, Environmental Justice and Regenerative Culture in the Face of the Climate Crisis

Tentative Schedule of public events

All are Wednesday evenings at 7pm on Zoom and/or in Carrick Theatre. Film screenings will be in the Campus Center, Room 131 A&B.

Fall Term

September 22 – Sarah Jaquette Ray, educator and author of A Field Guide to Climate Anxiety: How to Keep your Cool on a Warming Planet

October 27 – Austyn Gaffney, environmental journalist and Transylvania alumna

November 17 – Amory Lovins, co-founder of the Rocky Mountain Institute

December 1 – Film screening of Kiss the Ground, documentary on soil-oriented solutions to climate change

Independently watch Climate Solutions 101 the six-part video lectures and interviews

September 22, 2021

7:00pm via Zoom

LECTURE- Sarah Jaquette Ray

"Coming of Age at the End of the World: An Existential Toolkit for the Climate Generation"

Here is the link to Transylvania's recording of Dr. Ray's lecture on 9.22.21:

Sarah Jaquette Ray is professor and chair of environmental studies at Humboldt State University, on Wiyot territory in Arcata, California. Her work focuses on environmental justice, the environmental humanities, climate justice activism, and climate psychology. She is author of two books, The Ecological Other: Environmental Exclusion in American Culture, and most recently, A Field Guide to Climate Change: How to Keep Your Cool on a Warming Planet. She publishes and speaks extensively on the topics of emotions, climate justice, and youth activism, and is currently working on a project to help educators better support students' existential needs around planetary injustice, An Existential Toolkit for Climate Justice Educators.

October 27, 2021

7:00pm via Zoom

LECTURE - Austyn Gaffney

"The Climate Crisis and Environmental Justice in Kentucky"

Here is the link to the video recording of the event:

Austyn Gaffney is a freelance writer based in Kentucky. Her creative work is featured in Brevity, Ecotone, Kenyon Review, and Prairie Schooner, among others; her journalism appears in the Guardian, National Geographic, The New York Times, Rolling Stone, Vice, The Washington Post, and elsewhere. She graduated from Transylvania in 2012 with a major in political science and a minor in environmental studies. She also holds an MFA from the University of Kentucky.

November 17, 2021

7:00pm via Zoom

LECTURE - Amory Lovins, Co-founder of the Rocky Mountain Institute

"Disruptive Energy Futures"

Here is the video recording of the event:

This event is a collaboration between Zoé Strecker, Greg Partain, Director of Creative Intelligence, and President Brien Lewis

Amory Lovins has been creatively and effectively working on energy issues since the 1960’s. In 1982 he cofounded the influential non-profit, The Rocky Mountain Institute to accelerate the transition to clean energy. His work has influenced everyday people around the world as well as corporations like Texas Instruments and Wal-Mart.

December 1, 2021

7:00pm Campus Center Room 131 A&B

FILM SCREENING - Kiss the Ground

Film screening of Kiss the Ground, 2020 documentary on soil-oriented solutions to climate change.

Project Drawdown

Climate 101 Series of Lectures and Interviews

Excellent 6-part series of lectures and interviews.

This online course is part of the 1/4 credit Crucial Terrain discussion-based course, IDS 2291