Conferences and Regional Hui

2023 Conference

The Te Pū Tiaki Mana Taonga Committee will be hosting a conference this year.  We hope to have options for both face-to-face attendance and online.  Watch this space for further information.

TPTMT Mid-point Sector Consultation Report 2022

Thank you to everyone who contributed to our mid-point online survey!
We have collated your responses into the Te Pū Tiaki Mana Taonga Mid-point Sector Consultation Report 2022. This report has helped us to reflect and evaluate our progress through through this project, and will be of interest to educators who have taken part thus far

Mid-point Sector Consultation Report 2022.pdf

TPTMT Project Launch Sector Consultation Report 2021

Thank you to everyone who contributed to our online survey and the six regional focus group hui run in October 2021. We have collated your responses into the Te Pū Tiaki Mana Taonga sector Consultation report 2021. This report will act as a steering document for our professional learning and development programme, and will be of interest to educators as a general insight into the current needs of the Culture & Heritage sector as a whole. 

TPTMT Sector Consultation Report 2021.pdf

Focus group hui slides for website.pptx

If you missed the regional focus group hui in October 2021 and would like to see where our thinking is at for the programme, take a look at this presentation. There is a little more detail in the speaker notes for each slide (choose "Open with google slides" from the drop down menu at the top to see these).

We'd still love to hear your feedback, ideas and suggestions though! Email them through to

Re-imagining education in the community

Online Conference

Wednesday 13 May 2020


Join us on the 13 May for an online conference for educators who are supporting schools and kura.  Starting at 10:45am, we will have a line-up of speakers as well as an opportunity to ask questions and engage in conversation.  

So what do you need? Just a device, internet connection and a passion for education.  During the mini conference, there will be opportunities to connect with your colleagues from around the country as well as hear from our amazing speakers. Let’s band together and reimagine education beyond the classroom.


Conference Schedule


10:45                       Opening and welcome

11:00                       Derek Wenmoth, Future Makers – Rethinking education

11:45                       Break

12:30                       Deanne Thomas, Ministry of Education – NZ History

1:15                         Break

1:45                         Chris Arcus, Ministry of Education – ‘A conversation with Chris’

2:20                         Reflections

2:30                         End

About our speakers

Derek Wenmoth, Future Makers

Derek is regarded as one of NZ education’s foremost future focused thinkers and works extensively with schools and systems in New Zealand and elsewhere as they seek to prepare students for their future. He also consults with policy makers and government agencies regarding the future directions of NZ educational policy and practice. He is currently running FutureMakers, an educational consultancy focused on making our education system more future-focused by inspiring the next generation of leaders, thinkers and problem-solvers. 

Deanne Thomas, Ministry of Education

He uri nō Ngāti Kere, Ngāti Kahungunu ki Tamatea.

Deanne Thomas is currently Senior Manager at Te Uepū Reo Māori in the Ministry and Education, and she is also Project Manager for Aotearoa NZ Histories in Te Marautanga o Aotearoa.

Deanne comes from a long background in education that includes teaching, School Advisory Services, private provider, and company owner.  One of her many driving motivators is the expectation that we see equity in Aotearoa through education, culture and language.  She is passionate about Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the opportunities that can rise from a deep understanding of Te Tiriti in regards to social, cultural and human relationships.

She is a curriculum writer who had lead responsibilities in the development of Hangarau, and more recently Hangarau Matihiko. These combined with her Tiriti experiences are an excellent mix for the development of a new curriculum for Aotearoa NZ Histories


Chris Arcus, Ministry of Education

Chris is a Lead Advisor | Curriculum Support, Early Learning and Student Achievement at the Ministry of Education.  Most of you will know Chris through your LEOTC discussions.