

What you need - a little space

· Find a space where you can stretch your arms out and not touch anything .

· Have fun calling these out in any order and do the actions.

· Take it in turns to be the caller if there are a few of you at home.

Make a new game with your own actions .

Actions ;

Runner Bean Run on the spot ( run around the garden if outside)

Jumping Bean Jump up and down

Broad Bean Make a large shape with arms and legs, and stand still

String Bean Make a tall, thin shape and stand still

Jelly Bean Wobble about like jelly on a plate

Beans on Toast Lie still on the floor

French Bean Put one hand on your hip and twirl around saying “ooh la la “

If you are playing on your own, write out the command and draw the action. Write these on separate pieces of paper and store them in an envelope or a jar. Pull out a command from a jar and do the actions for ten.