Ace of Hearts Fitness Camp

Pack of Cards Fitness Camp

What you need –

  • a pack of cards - shuffled

Find a space where you are not touching anything and you can jump up and down .

Turn over the cards one by one. Each card has a number and a suit.

The suit is the picture on it - Diamonds, Hearts , Clubs or Spades . The suit tells you what to do. The number on the card tells you how many times to do the action .

If your card is the 3 of hearts , you will do 3 hop scotch jumps.

Take turns turning the cards, or play by yourself. Maybe do 10 cards everyday for your ten at ten.

Change the actions . You can think of better ones !

What will you do if you get the joker , the king or the queen ?


Star Jumps

Jumping Jacks




Clap under your knees

Left then right .


Touch the floor and jump in the air.