Brain Activities

Keep your brain active by learning new things - challenge yourself by learning a new skill or work out puzzles. Look after your brain by letting it relax too. It needs to do both.

For lots of ideas on how to look after your feelings and mind, go to our school's well being page.

Get your parents and grandparents involved. You are never too old to be amazing !


This takes alot of patience and concentration.

Lets start a juggling group when we go back to school.

Make your own tangram set .

Use your tangrams to make these animals.

Can you make other tangrams of your own?

Times Tables but in a very interesting way !

Try to solve these riddles and then ask other people.

Magic Finger

Place your finger on the dot and see all you can do !

Magic Tricks

Easy magic tricks to learn with your family.


Fill the message spaces with kind things to do, or jobs in the house or exercises !

Hand Shadows

Maybe you can create some new shadows or make a shadow play .

Learn how to make a shadow theatre. Create your own props and story. Junior classes

Learn how to make a shadow theatre. Create your own props and story. Senior Classes

Paint a Profile Painting

What did the first cameras look like ? Maybe you can make one and turn your world upside down !

How did the first movies work? Learn how to make your pictures move. You can use a window instead of the lightbox used in the video.

Make a bird fly , a dog wag his tail, a face wink ...