Using Google Effectively

Search Tips

Provided by the University of the District of Columbia and McMaster Libraries

Use Boolean Search Terms.

Boolean Search Terms “And” ,“Or”, “Not.”

Boolean search terms tell Google how to search using keywords. Use these search terms to enhance your results by including them in between the keywords you’re searching.

“And” combines search terms. This will help you narrow your search. Google will only present search results that include both keywords.

“Or” broadens your search results. Google will return a search that contains any of the keywords used.

“Not” ignores a search term. This search term will also narrow your search results. Google will exclude keywords that are linked to the “Not” search term. This is useful when two keywords are often used together.

For example:

Cats AND Dogs- Google will search for both cats and dogs.

Cats OR Dogs- Google will provide results on either cats or dogs. Articles will not be specifically about both subjects.

Cats NOT Dogs- Google will search for results about cats and exclude articles that include dogs.

Use Keywords Wisely

Breakdown your research question into specific keywords, and exclude unnecessary words. Think about which words are most relevant to your topic, and search using those terms. To further narrow down your results use synonyms and boolean search terms! NEVER enter in an entire research question into a search engine. This will make the search engine produce irrelevant results, and cost you valuable time.

Other Search Tips

Quotation marks

To find words in the exact same order, put quotes around them.

Singular and Plural Searches

Google does not automatically search for the plural form of words. Use the boolean search term "or" to search for both the singular and plural form of a word.

Google Ignores Common Words

Common words such as "a", "how", and "this" are ignored by Google. Use a plus sign ( +) to combine words together so they are not ignored by Google. Additionally you can use the minus sign (-) to exclude words from a Google search, and prevent Google from displaying results that include those words.

Click the Photos to Access Google's Different Resources

Basic Google search engine.

Use Google's advanced search features to modify and refine your results. Advanced search gives the user more control over their search results.

Free Full-text articles and books. Source evaluation is still recommended.

Google's collection of eBooks. Academic titles are available. Not all titles are free.

When using search engines make sure to always evaluate your sources. Click HERE for more information on source evaluation.