Information Literacy

How to use the internet to search for information .

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The American Library Association defines information literacy as "a set of abilities requiring individuals to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information.”

Why is Information Literacy Important?

Being information literate means you have mastered many valuable skills.

How do students find information?

A study conducted by the PEW Research Center suggests students use the internet more than any other source to find information. The most popular resource on the internet used by students is search engines such as Google.

The internet makes it easy to find information, but why can that be a problem?

The internet is a collaborative space filled with A LOT of information. Because there is so much information it can be difficult to find what you're looking for. Search engines help users sort through information, BUT search engines have their own unique problems.

To learn more about these problems, and how to successfully use the internet to conduct research click HERE