
Payment Period for AY2023 is below;

Students enrolled in Spring Semester AY2023 who made full(single) payment at the admission procedure do not need to pay tuition and fees for AY2023 anymore.
Students enrolled in Spring Semester AY2023 who paid the total amount for AY2023 by two installments need to pay tuition and fees for Fall Semester AY2023, so please make sure to check the schedule below.

The schedule described in this page is for current students of Toyo University.
This schedule is not for successful candidates of Entrance Exam for AY2024. Please make sure to check "Application Guide" and "Admission Procedure Guide" and keep the deadline. 

Spring Semester

The deadline for Spring Semester AY2023 has passed.

Fall Semester

Students who have not applied for Study Support System (修学支援新制度; Syuugaku-Shien-Shin-Seido)/Students who have not received Study Support System (修学支援新制度; Syuugaku-Shien-Shin-Seido) by September of 2023

Date of sending the transfer Paper(Estimated): Thursday, September 28, 2023 ※1
●Deadline of Regular Payment Period: Friday, November 10, 2023 ※2

※1 Depending on where you live, it may take two or three business days for the bank transfer paper to be delivered.
    Sending and delivery of the form may be delayed due to delays in mail service caused by unseasonable weather.
    This schedule is subject to be changed without notice due to  changes in social conditions.
※2 If the bank transfer cannot be confirmed during the regular payment period, a new bank transfer paper will be sent.
    Please make the payment within the extended payment period stated on the new form.
    For operational reasons at financial institutions, the bank transfer paper sent during the regular payment period is not available.

《Extended Payment Period》※Except students who take a leave of absence ※3
Date of sending the transfer Paper(Estimated): Monday, November 20, 2023 ※4
●Deadline of Regular Payment Period: Wednesday, December 20, 2023 ※5

※3 If you take a leave of absence for Fall Semester AY2023, you must pay during the Regular Payment Period.
    You need to apply for leaving of absence to the Education Affairs Section.
※4 Depending on where you live, it may take two or three business days for the bank transfer paper to be delivered.
    Sending and delivery of the form may be delayed due to delays in mail service caused by unseasonable weather.
    This schedule is subject to be changed without notice due to  changes in social conditions.
※5 Payment after the extended payment period is not allowed.
    If the payment is not made by the payment deadline, the student will be dismissed based on the Academic Rules and Regulations.

Students who have received Study Support System (修学支援新制度; Syuugaku-Shien-Shin-Seido) by September of 2023

Date of sending the transfer Paper(Estimated): Monday, November 20, 2023 ※1
●Deadline of Regular Payment Period: Wednesday, December 20, 2023 ※2

※1 Depending on where you live, it may take two or three business days for the bank transfer paper to be delivered.
    Sending and delivery of the form may be delayed due to delays in mail service caused by unseasonable weather.
    This schedule is subject to be changed without notice due to  changes in social conditions.
※2 The extended payment period for fall semester in AY 2023 is not available for students who have received
    Study Support System by September of 2023.
    Please make the payment by Wednesday, December 20, 2023.
    If the payment is not made by the payment deadline, the student will be dismissed based on the Academic Rules and Regulations.